The Story (Prolouge)

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Around 5000 years ago, the elements lived in peace. Earth, light, wind, fire, water, ice and lightning all worked together as one. There was no disruption in this peace, until the ice elements made a destructive weapon... A weapon that could destroy an entire base. It was the frost nuke.

The ice elements tried to keep it hidden, but It wasn't long until the other elements eventually found out. Things went downhill from there. Elemental nuke production began. The First Elemental War broke out once the darkness elements failed to destroy a light element city.

Everyone was at each others neck. Light and darkness fought over the slot of the most superior element, and it cost them their lives. Since the two most powerful elements were wiped out, tensions were high. The lightning elements were set on the destruction of the ice element, considering they started the war. 

The lightnings created the first super-nuke, which they called the буря. This much power was too much for the lightnings. The буря put the ice and lightning elements into extinction. This ended the First Elemental War.

Fire, water, earth and wind decided to have a truce between one another, to prevent the extinction of any other elements. Some of the elements were still hostile towards other elements, and some were friendly, like fire and water.

It was hundreds of years before the First Elemental War was put behind everyone, and peace returned once again. The elements mingled just as they did before the war. But the elements got closer than before. Two elements from water and fire fell in love, as well as two elements from earth and wind. It wasn't long until there were two hybrid babies.

The Fire-Water hybrid was male, and his name was Hydroblaze, and the Earth-Wind hybrid was female, and her name was Cloud-Quartz. They lived among their respective element kingdoms and were the best of friends. That is where we are today.

Authors Notes
I know that my Prolouge is really really short, but I promise that the actual chapters will be MUCH longer. This is pretty much the backstory of the whole book. It's not the complete backstory, since I want to add in more about it in the story.

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