Chapter 4: Battle of Flames

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Many thoughts ran through Destiny's head at that moment. Earth Archers were shooting arrows into the Fire Kingdom. Pyro was scrambling to get his army together. His father was out with his mother, as usual. Then he remembered: Rachel. They were after Rachel.

Then he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. He was hit with an arrow. Destiny grabbed on to his arm and ran back down the stairs. He found Rachel hiding under a table. "Destiny! You came back!" She shouted in relief. "The Earth Kingdom is attacking us! We have to defend my kingdom!" Destiny shouted. "But... Aren't I supposed to be a secret?" She asked. "Whatever! I need your help to stop the Earth army!"

"Hold on... Is that an arrow in your arm?" Rachel asked. "Hold on, I got you." She said as she covered the arrow in ice. Then, she pulled out the arrow quickly and covered the wound up with ice. "Let's go!" Destiny said, urgently. He led Rachel up the stairs and up to the pyrotechnic canyons. All the fire elements manning them had been injured or killed.

Rachel and Destiny began shooting cannon balls of flames at the soldiers. They'd killed about a quarter of the army before they reached the wall. They exploded the wall and made their way to the castle. Rachel glared at the Earth soldiers and then made a Bow of Cryogenics-- with her bare hands. Rachel began picking them off rapidly.

Destiny ran up to a fallen Fire guard and picked up her sword. He hadn't practiced sword handling much, but he tried anyways. He began swinging at the soldiers. He hit a few, and even knocked one out, but then-- WHABAM! --he was hit right in the chest. His knees fell to the ground, and he felt himself slipping away. Then he was hit right in the face by the same soldier.

Rachel's POV

It took a lot of concentration to control and use a Bow of Cryogenics. Rachel eventually lost count of the soldiers she was shooting. But then she saw Destiny, unconscious and bring dragged away by a soldier. She lost control of her bow now and dropped it, shattering it to pieces. Rachel needed to save Destiny.

She jumped down from the cannons and ran as fast as she could to the soldier. She shoved him, making him drop Destiny, and then she froze his feet to the ground. Rachel dragged Destiny to a nearby alleyway. His face had a big bruise on his forehead, and a deep gash on his chest. She looked up from Destiny to see that the Earth army was winning.

Rachel wanted to do something, but she didn't know what. Everything changed since the First Elemental War. Everything was more advanced. She didn't understand how to navigate the kingdoms anymore. She needed Destiny to wake up. She decided to try healing him with her ice. It would only be temporary, but it'll be long enough.

She put a coating of ice over his gash and sealed it with the ice. Soon, Destiny's eyes began to flutter. "R... Ra... Rachel?" Destiny stuttered. "It's okay. You're okay for now. I temporarily healed you. But now, the Fire kingdom needs your help. They're loosing the battle!" Rachel said urgently. Destiny's expression hardened.

"I've got this." He beamed. Destiny got up and ran over to a humongous tower that shadowed the entire front of the castle. Rachel's widened at the sight of it.  "That's the Pyro Tower. We have to tip it over." Destiny inquired. "But... It's so... Cool!" Rachel whined. Destiny purses his lips. It's the only way to stop the army." Destiny implied. "Fine." Rachel said.

Destiny led Rachel to the bottom of the tower. "Can you take it down with your ice?" He asked. "I can try." She replied. She put ice all over the bottom of it. She started putting pressure on the towers base. "There she is!" Rachel heard Geode call out. She began putting more pressure on it.

The Pyro tower slowly fell down. Everybody stopped what they were doing and stared at it. It hit the ground with an extremely loud thud, crushing Geodes army. Geode looked stunned at first, but soon recovered. He glared at Rachel and Destiny, then opened up a portal to the Earth kingdom and jumped through it.

Everybody started cheering for their sudden victory. "Yeah! We did it!" Rachel shouted as she high-fived Destiny. But their celebration ended soon. Pyro grabbed Rachel and Destiny before anyone noticed they were there. Pyro brought them back to the laboratory. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?!" Pyro scolded Destiny.

"You're lucky nobody noticed the Ice Elemental during the battle!" He exclaimed. Destiny crossed his arms. "You should be glad. We stopped Geode and his army. Destiny murmured. Pyro sighed. "You're right. I'll forgive you for now. But from now on-- the Ice Elemental stays in this laboratory. You hear me clear?" Pyro asked. "As long as you don't interrogate or test on her." Destiny said while looking Pyro in the eyes.

Rachel smiled a little, now knowing for sure that Destiny cared about her. "Okay, fine." Pyro promised. Destiny and Pyro left the laboratory, leaving Rachel down there by herself.

Destiny's POV

Destiny woke up at 2:00 AM today. He couldn't get back to sleep, so he decided to visit Rachel. He walked over to the laboratory, rubbing his eyes. But once he got close, he began hearing screaming. Destiny raised and eyebrow, but just ignored them. But as he got closer, the screams got louder. Once Destiny was next to the door, he could her what the screams were.

"I don't know! I don't know why they decided to make it! I had no part in it!" Rachel wailed. Once Destiny heard that it was Rachel, he ran right down there to see Pyro holding a fiery baton in front of a tied up Rachel. "Unless you want to be melted, than tell me why they decided to create the Frost Nuke!" Pyro spat in her face.

"What are you doing?!?!" Destiny roared. "We had a deal!" Pyro was so shocked to hear Destiny he dropped the baton on his foot. "Ow! Dammit!" He cursed. "What're you doing here so early, Destiny?" He said casually. "Don't play games with me!" Destiny raged. "You promised me you wouldn't do this!" Destiny ran over to Rachel and let her go.

She looked really beat up, with bruises and cuts all over her body. Destiny glared at Pyro for a few moments. Then he smirked. "If you wanna break my end of the deal..." Destiny said as he dragged Rachel to the Rocket of Magma Prototype (small rocket pod) platform. "...than I'll break my end." He hit the siren alarm button and then the rise button. "NO! WAIT!!!" Pyro shouted. But it was too late. Soon, the whole Fire kingdom got a good look at Rachel- the so-called extinct Ice elemental.

Author Notes
Looks like the fire kingdom is gonna find out about Rachel... And I don't think I need to tell you it isn't gonna be pretty. But you'll have to find out what'll happen in the next chapter. Yep, that's right, a cliffhanger!

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