Chapter 3: Rachel

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Destiny and Blaze hid in the back of the Flamer as it stopped near the abandoned Ice Kingdom. Pyro got out and began walking to the ruins of the kingdom on foot. Destiny and Blaze hopped off and followed him, staying low and keeping a safe distance. They finally arrived at the collapsed entrance. The other 3 Elemental Keepers were there too.

"I'm here now. What is it that is so utterly important? My people are worried sick." Said Pyro. "I've made a discovery that will definitely change our original thoughts of the First Elemental War." said Earth Keeper Geode. Destiny thought he could recall hearing about the First Elemental War during tutoring. He didn't remember much, but he did remember that it was the Ice Kingdom that started the war.

"Come and see, Pyro." said Water Keeper Oasis. The Keepers entered the kingdom through a tunnel that was made by Geode. Destiny and Blaze followed them, their hearts beating rapidly. "Here she is." Said Geode. Destiny gasped. It was an ice element, her legs trapped in ice. "Wow... I don't know what to say...  All this time we thought the ice element was extinct..." Pyro stuttered.

"We can't tell our kingdoms. They'd freak out if they found out about this. I've already decided to just leave her here for now. I'm going to go gather my most trusted men to guard her. We will return at night, after we put all the rumors to rest." Geode said. Nobody went against his orders. Blaze grabbed Destiny and jumped into a nearby bush. Soon, the keepers were all gone.

"Dad, could you watch out for the keepers in case they come back?" Destiny asked. "Sure thing." Blaze said. Destiny ran up to the ice element. She was female, obviously, and had frost all over her body. She was also unconscious.The most noticeable thing about her was her amulet, though, which was diamond shaped and shined a bright, sky blue.

Destiny grabbed a nearby stone and continuously hit the ice around her legs until he broke her free. She landed on the ground with a thud. Her eyes began to flutter. "W... Where a-am I?" She asked. "In the abandoned ice kingdom." Destiny answered. "A-a-abandoned?" She stuttered. Destiny didn't really know what to say. "Are you from before the First Elemental War?" Destiny asked.

"Y-yeah... I think I remember that... W-w-whats your name a-anyways, kid?" She asked with a weak smile. "Destiny.... My name is Destiny." "My n-names Rachel. Well, my r-r-real name is Cryo, but I prefer R-Rachel." "Geode is coming back!" Blaze yelled. "Act like your passed out!" Destiny shouted as he dived into a bush.

Confused, Rachel laid down, pretending to be unconscious. Keeper Geode walked into the room. But instead of positioning guards, he picked up Rachel and headed back to his ride. "Come on, lets follow them." Blaze whispered. Blaze whistled and his Flame Ship appeared. They got into it and followed Geode back to his kingdom.

They watched Geode carry Rachel down stairs into a laboratory of some sort. "We have to tell the other keepers." Blaze said, and Destiny didn't disagree. But by then it was sunset. They headed back to the Fire Kingdom to have a good nights rest.

The Next Morning

Destiny was next up to the talk to the Keeper. He walked up to Pyro, but didn't know how to put it into words at first. But Pyro spoke before him. "Ah! Hello, Master Keeper! What brings you here?" "Um... I... Uhh..." Destiny didn't want to admit that he was spying on him. So went straight to the point.

"Keeper Geode is betraying you and the other keepers and has Ra--, I mean, the Ice Elemental locked in a laboratory." Destiny told him, speaking fast. "He... Did... Wha??" Pyro said, confused. "Keeper Geode has the Ice Elemental locked up in the Earth Kingdom. We have to go there now!" Destiny said, urgently. Pyro showed a stern facial expression.

"How do you know this?!" Pyro bellowed. "I was... Spying on you. But that doesn't matter right now. We must go to the Earth Kingdom now!" Destiny said again. Pyro sighed. "Ok, ok. I doubt that what you're telling me is true, but we can go check. Guards! Get the Flamer ready!"

Once the Flamer was ready, Pyro and Destiny entered it and began driving to the Earth Kingdom. "So," Pyro began. "You were spying on the keepers and I? Why would you do such a thing?" "Uh, I guess I just saw everyone stirring up at the gate and I got curious." Destiny responded. "Well, I'm pretty sure this goes without saying, but I'm gonna say it anyways. This remains between me and you ONLY. Understand?" Pyro told him.

"Well... My dad also knows. But I promise that I won't tell anyone else!" Destiny said. Pyro gave him a stern look, but didn't say anything else until they arrived at the Earth Kingdom. Pyro and Destiny entered without being questioned by Earth guards. "There." Destiny said, pointing at the laboratory he saw Geode take Rachel into.

Pyro and Destiny walked over to the laboratory, but got stopped by guards. "Sorry sir, but we cannot let you enter here without authorization." Said a guard. Pyro glared at him. "You dare question my motives?! I can have Geode terminate you if I wanted!" Pyro shouted at the guard. "Ok! I'm sorry sir! You may enter." The guard said, obviously scared of Pyro.

They walked down the stairs and into the laboratory, and there, tied up and passed out, was Rachel. She looked paler than before, and looked as if she was being tested on. Pyro looked shocked. "How dare he betray me like that! After all we've done for him! Come, Master Keeper! Let us take her back to the Fire Kingdom and inform the other keepers of Geodes betrayal!"

Pyro untied Rachel and picked her up. They couldn't go up the stairs, because of the guards. "I have an idea." Pyro said. He put on the Ring of Flames and concentrated really hard. Soon, he opened up a fiery portal back to Fire Kingdom and they went through it. But when they got through, Pyro dropped Rachel and knelt down to catch his breath.

"Opening portals drains my energy for the day, so I don't open them up often." He explained. "Why don't you try finding a way to get the Ice Elemental down into our laboratory... I'm gonna go rest..." Pyro said, walking away from Destiny and Rachel. "Wake up, Rachel!" Destiny whisper-shouted while shaking her. "Come on! I don't feel like dragging you there!" Soon, Rachel slowly opened her eyes.

"W... Where am I? Why am I not tied up?" She asked, confused. "It's ok. You're safe now." Destiny said. "But we have to hide you from the other fire elements. They can't know you're here. Can you walk straight?" Destiny asked. "I... I think so..." Rachel replied. She got up and tried her best to walk in a straight line, but she still stumbled around.

"Here, I'll help." Destiny said with a sigh. He helped her walk down into the laboratory. "So... We never had a chance to talk." Rachel said. "If you hadn't saved me back there, I'd still be getting interrogated and tested on." "Don't mention it." Destiny said with a smile. Rachel frowned. "Do you think they'll interrogate me here, too?" She asked.

Destiny thought that they probably will, but he didn't want her to be stressed out. "No, I don't think so." He responded. He wanted to change the subject. "So... How'd you survive the First Elemental War? I thought the Ice Kingdom was wiped out." Destiny asked. Rachel's expression turned to stone. "I didn't agree with the Ice Kingdoms actions. I didn't understand why they decided to create the Frost Nuke. So I tried to put a stop to it." Rachel explained.

"But only a few people agreed with me. In the end, I was locked up in a dungeon. But I guess that dungeon is what let me survive the буря though." Destiny let the info sink in. "Was there... A rebellion?" Destiny asked. Rachel smiled a little. "I guess you could call it that." "Destiny! Come up here at once!" Pyro shouted.

"I've gotta go." Destiny said. "I promise I'll let you be free soon." He said. "Ok. I'm counting on you, Destiny." She told him. Destiny left the laboratory. "We've got a problem!" He shouted. Pyro was pointing over the wall. Destiny looked over to see a whole army of Earth soldiers marching towards the Fire Kingdom. That's when Destiny realized that a battle was going to go down. Right now.

Destiny gulped.

Author Notes
The Fire and Earth elements are going to war? Could this be the beginning of the Second Elemental War? Who knows. This chapter was longer than the last two, so I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please vote for this chapter!

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