Chapter 1: Meeting him

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***Hello lovely WattPad users!! Newbie here and first story!! Excited to here what y'all think about this!! Leave comments below; love for some feedback ^.^***        

                                                                     Chapter 1:  Meeting him.                                      

     Pulling up to the gray and black building, it brought back memories of high school. I sighed at the thought of it and got out of my car. Walking up to the main entrance, I caught sight of the office and made sure to keep it within my line of vision. No I'm no student, but I am the new english teacher. Teaching at the same high school that I attended was a tad strange, but nothing had changed. Butterflies in my stomach, I neared the main office and stepped in. Even before getting my papers or anything, I end up smacking someone in the face with the heavy wooden door. This was not just any man though, he was gorgeous. Shining blue eyes with hazel towards the pupil, brown hair that was blown and messy to perfection, and a dazzling white smile that sent my heart rate going. This man in front of me was perfect in every way. I blushed with embarrassment in every single one of my features. To make sure I wasn't going crazy over a married man, I checked his ringless finger and sighed with relief.

     "I am so sorry! Just got here and already causng a ruckus! My bad! Do you need help with anything?" I said breathlessly while looking back into his beautiful, alluring eyes I noticed a bit of amusement played in them. He smiled and helped me with my things while I tried to gather as much of his things as possible.

     "Hey it's no problem. Not even a bruise I don't think. Stephen Moreno. You're Falon Henderson right? the new English teacher?" He chuckled and helped me up. What do I say?! I thought angrily at myself.

     "Oh but I am SO sorry and it looked like it hurt!" I giggled back because there was a red mark where the door hit him on his cheek. Other than that, everything was perfect. He was perfect.

     "No no I'm alright don't worry about it! Here I'll help you get to your class," after settling things with the kind, plump secretary, Stephen walked me to the classroom that I now claimed as mine.

     "Here we are!" Stephen announced the second we stepped in. I smiled and gratefully while he wanted to help me with organizing and unpacking even after the whole accident. This room resembled an expanded cubicle. Definitely in great need of a decorating job.

     "Thank you so much Stephen, but really you don't have to help me! I feel bad enough for hitting you with the door, I don't need the help," smiling he shakes his head and just starts unpacking supplies. We share smiles and short jokes. We both turn around when there was a knock at the door.

     "Knock, knock can I come in?" A young man maybe the same age as Stephen, if not younger, with blond spiky hair and piercing green eyes removed the pen he had tucked behind his ear and extended his right hand.

     "Hi! I'm Falon Henderson, newbie," I blushed and shook his extended hand.

     "Anthony Trossi. Pleased to meet you," he replied with a smile, "I'm an English teacher as well, my room's right next door if you need anything the door's always open." I smiled kindly and left the two men to talk while I took a seat and looked around the bland classroom. I was finally a teacher. Finally I could show kids their true potential when it came to writing and the arts. I was so ready for Monday. I thought about my major in art and decided to use that talent to decorate this room. A deep voice brought me out of my thoughts and I looked up at the door. I saw a tall, muscular man with a buzzcut leaning against the door.

     "Hi, I'm Will Masterson. How's it going?" Will smiled at me and held out his slightly tanned hand. Looking into his deep green eyes, I shook his hand and motioned for him to take a seat anywhere.

     "Everything's fine but lots of work to do before the weekend ends," I giggled nervously and started unpacking another box that was brought in by Stephen.

     "So sorry Falon, but there's an emergency meeting I need to attend. I'll be right back," Anthony got up quickly and excused himself.

     "So Will, what do you teach?" I asked while stacking some books onto my desk. I passed Stephen a box of supplies he offered to unpack.

     "I teach honors Biology," He sweetly replied in a deep, husky voice. He bent down to retrieve a box from the floor and passing it to me. I nodded my head while ripping the tape.

     "So boys, to thank you for helping me unpack, would youlike to join me for a drink tonight at Applebees maybe?" I asked the two as they joined me up front by my desk and I awaited their answer.

     "That'd be great Falon, thanks for the invite," Stephen replied smiling his dazzling smile, stealing my breath away. I looked at Will and he accepted the invite to drinks. A couple minutes later and a lot of joke cracking, Anthony returned and I invited him out as well. Wouldn't want to leave anybody behind. Before 4o'clock Will and Anthony left saying they'd meet me at Applebees at 7. At 4:30, Stephen kindly walked me to my camaro in the parking lot. The second he saw my car, you could tell he had fallen in love. But of course with the car. I just laughed at his reaction and playfully slapped his arm. After a short conversation, he smiled at me once again and waved goodbye. Thinking about our time together today, I decided I definitely needed to impress him tonight.

             ***OMG! So that's my first chapter and I hope you guys like it!! Pictures of everybody are gonna be up soon so stay tuned!!***

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