4. Black out

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2:32 am

It was time for a prize giveaway of a free shirt.
Or as i would like to call it 'free shiets away!'

"Now it time for a free shirt to one of our very own subscribers." Cry spoke in a calm and neutral way.

You couldn't help but notice his honey brown bed hair , his pale skin or the way his dressing style contain of a jacket that says 'sup' and jeans.

Cry looked in the corners of his eyes and met your gaze

"A-and um...t-t-this goes t-to..." He stuttered turning red in the progress.

He tried to hide his humiliation but the others laughed.

The laughter stopped when a certain lightbulb went off.
The room was in total darkness, if you weren't counting the laptops screen lights.

Cry closes his laptop, seeing that he can cause blindness to the people around him.
Pewds ramage through his bag with the help of his cellphone light and took out his camera to make a vlog.

"Pewds what are you doing ?" Ken questioned.
"I'm making a vlog duh! So that the viewers won't get mad! And stalk us..." He shudder on his last thought.

"But you suck at making vlogs-" you manage to say before he cut you off.

After calming Pewds down, he started his daily intro
"H-h-h-how's it going bros? MY NAME IS PEEEEEEEEWWWWWDDDDDIIIIEEEPIIIIEEE! An I'm doing a......." He stopped.

You stared at him for 3 seconds. Then whispered to Cry
"Is this normal?"
"Yea it just make an effect" he replied bluntly

"Saturday with Pewdiepie Vlog! To show you bros out there that there's no duck that kill us while we're stuck in the blackout." He laughed.

You had the urge to quack while in the dark but stopped when Cry's hand covered your mouth.

You pouted.

"And I'm here with my sister (f/n) and my awesome friends Cry, minx , ken, Anthony and Ian. And today or tonight .....I don't care!. We're going to talk about random sheit for the whole live stream or until we fall asleep....or the batteries runs out.." He smile even though the screen was black.

"Ok where are you (f/n) so I can sit down next to you~!" He sang.


"Marco" Pewds yell out.
"Polo" you replied

"Where the hell are you?!?"
"I'm not fucken telling you!"


"OH STOP THE SINGING!!! SHE'S NEXT TO BLOODY CRY!!" Minx yelled out while throwing one of cry's pillow at him.

"(F/n)~!" He yelled out hugging your shoulders.
"Don't touch me...." You mumbled.
"You're so annoying!"

Cry laughed at your sibling relationship.

"So what's the most effective prop you can transform into?" You asked pushing your brother face away.

"I have to say the frogs!" Pewds answered while resting his chin on your head.
"A Can?" Minx answered.
"A cup" ken answered.
"I don't know...I like being the hunter." Cry answered.
"Newspaper!" Ian answered.
"Mine's a chair!" Anthony gleamed.

"Wtf a chair?" You stared.
"Yea it most effective." He stated.

The gang laughed.

Just one more hour to go.

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