12.5 (SPECIAL) my prince in a hoodie

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For you guys, if you didn't know. This is an special, but when it is a special, it kinda like a one shot in the series.

This won't effect what's going on the main series though.

Thank you!



Cry rested his head on (name)'s laps. Fiddling with his locks of brown hair, the young girl smiled.

"I love you (name)..." He mumbled moving in closer to sleep, snuggling with the warmth (name) had to offer.

"I love you too." She replied happily back.

"You're the first girl I ever fell in love with...if you excluded my mom.." He looked off in another direction with pink tinted cheeks forming of embarrassment.

"I would like to say the same, but when I was young this guy capture my eyes."

Ryan fully awake, sat up in rapid speed and faced towards his girlfriend.

"Which guy?"

"A guy in my childhood"

"What did he look like? Was he more handsomer than me?!" Ryan growled in disbelief.

Here he was, in an peaceful aroma, until his beloved, brought out her childhood crush.

"I didn't know what he intendedly look like, less likely because he was shining in my eyes." She squealed rubbing her cheeks in a fangirl way.

'Who's this shithead?' Cry thought as he held an disgusted look.

"So how did you met him?" This brought (name) attention back down to earth.


"How did you meet this so 'incredible shiny person'?" He quoted and emphasis those words that he remotely said with disgust, especially since he was describing what she just said a minute ago.

"Haha you're jealous! Operation make Ryan jealous, SUCESS!!" She fist pumped the air.

Ryan smirked but it was wipe off as if it wasn't there in the first place.

"You still hadn't answer the question. Now explain?" He waved his hand, resting his head on her shoulder and bluntly and monotonously stared into her eyes.

"Well the story goes something like this..

(Flashback (name)'s Pov)

My mother had invited me to her business studio for my 5th birthday. My mother was a photographer at the time and took photos for the gamer time magazine.

The boy's mother was an friend of my mom and they both were too busy to care for us while at work so we were playbuddies.

Normally he would greet me with a hug or a wave but he didn't came that day.

His mother apologized repeatedly and patted on my head.

On the next day, I went to my special spot and cried.

(cry: why the hell would you cry?(°-°)?

Name: shut up! Let me continue my drama love story! >:l )

As I was saying, I cried because I thought he had ran away.

But when I turned back to go home, he was there waiting behind me.

I jumped into his arms and hugged his waist.

He patted my back as he kneeled down to my height.

He was older by two years, so he was seven at the time.

(Cry: you fell in loved by a pedo?(°-°)




(Cry: who the hell is this guy? Such a girly nickname!!bahahahahah

Name: don't make fun of him!!)

"(Name) I hate to say this but I'm leaving soon."

I wiped my tears on his sleeve, his red hoodie and his brown wavy short hair covering his face. It was clearly red.

"LEAVING?! BUT RYA-NIII!!!" I cried into his chest.

The steady beating of his heart slowed me down.

"I'm moving back into my country...America to be exact."

"But it so far away from Sweden!!" She cried.

"Yea...say bye to Felix for me, I'll miss you." As he gentle kiss my forehead. An innocent, childish kiss. Of course it was ruined by my child self.

"Ewwwwww boy cooties!!"

He laughed and gave me an grin before waving back and running to his packed car.

(End of flashback)

"AHHH such a sad shoujo manga ending.." I rubbed my cheeks in sorrow.

"Yea I guess..what a dickhead. Losing an extraordinary girl like you." He flattered.

"Oh stop it." I folded my arms.

Ryan got off my shoulder, the warmth suddenly evaporates and I pouted.

Before I protested he gentle pulled my head on to his lap.

A yawn escaped my lips as he softly stroke my hair.

Muttering sweet words until I had fallen asleep.

I loves him when he smiles....


'Shit that dickhead was me!! What the hell?! I was jealous of myself!!?? I'm such an Stupid idiot!!!! Now that I think about it...all those insults were directed to me...(inner emo corner)


Akyumi's notes.

And that's includes our special this time.

I apologize for the lateness as you see im kinda having writer's block.

But this is UNACCEPTABLE!!

I know but I feel like I had hardly mention anything about their child hood...

So see you again for the nek chapter

Nek minnte the chapter will be in a month. <- prediction.

Just kidding XD

But seriously(°-°) major writer's block.


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