13. Jealous duo (part one)

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That's all for the begining.


Luckily Ryan recovered the next day, Ryan drops (name) off at her house and thanked her repeatedly while she smacked his head for calling her 'mom'.


Felix opened the door and gleamed.
"Sistarrrrrrrrr~!!" He skipped in slow motion towards (name).
Feeling pissed she moved to the side while he fell down.

Quickly recovering from the fall, he searched for his next victim.


(Insert a Cry five)

Time skip

Felix served the plates out to the current house members.
His bruise face and black eye was very amusing.

(Name) sat across Ryan.
Marzia across Felix.

So it's Felix next to (Name)
And Ryan next to Marzia.

He sat down on his chair and gleamed at Ryan and Marzia.
"THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD!!!" He clapped his hands and laughed.

The Swedish (childish) man dived into the food and stuff into the rich aroma.
The other three looked in disgust but soon went into their own business.

(Name) continue to eat until her older brother drops his piece of dessert onto her plate.
"Eh? For me?"
"Nope! Feed me!"

He continued to sparkled as (name) picked up his teaspoon.
Gently piercing off a small part of the parfait, she lifted near her bro's mouth.

In a second Felix clomped the poor dessert piece and smiled.
"Thwis iw gwood!!" He mumbled in chews.
(Name) giggled as he started to swallow.

"Ah! There's some cream over here." She pointed to the right edge of her left.
"Hm here?" He pointed to the right and rubbed.
"Ne, left not right! Oh forget it, here." She pulled his face closer and rubbed his lips with a cloth.

He blinked and kissed her cheek.
"Thank you bro!" He winked as (name) smile back.

'Friendly incest...' Ryan and Marzia creepily smiled.
Feeling a chilly aura, Marzia looked at Ryan, brown eyes against a white mask.

They both were feeling the same feeling.
A tiny feeling which grown into a plant.
That seed called


While (name) was facing away, Felix sneaked a glance over to Ryan.
He smiled at him and nuzzled his body against his sister's.

Ryan dropped his spoon and glared at his best friend.
Felix glared with a playful smirked. A glare that reads
'Are you jelly bro?'

Marzia sent a glare at her boyfriend also. Reading his competitive atmosphere, she grinned.

'So that's how you want to play it? Well we challenge you!' Ryan and Marzia smirked.

Day skip.

The Swedish siblings were invited to the amusement park by Ryan and Marzia.
As they both wondered in, they saw them laughing as roses floated into the background.

"Nani? What's wrong with them?" (Name) questioned her brother.
"I know what's wrong! Ryan holding the tip of Marzia's scarf, awkward gesture! And Mariza is practically killing Ryan's foot with one of her high heels!!" He awed.

"Totally right!!!" She agreed.

"Hey Marzia, do you really want to do this?" Ryan whispered dropping their pose.
"Of course! We can solve love with jealousy!" She whispered back.

"(Name) do you want to ride the rollacoaster with me? If you're scare, you can hug me!" Felix asked.
"Yeah! Let do that big brother!" She accepted and intertwined her hand with his.

They both ran off and with a sigh, the other duo followed.

After the ride, it was opposite effect really. Felix ended up being the one hugging.
"(N-name!) I'm not feeling well, can you stay with me?" Pewds whined.
She nodded instantly.

Ryan placed his hands behind his back and clenched his fists. His glasses flickered.
He softly growled and Marzia narrowed her eyes.

"I'm going to buy some ice cream.." Ryan pointed and left, keeping his eyes on the ground.

He didn't went to buy ice cream but rather went to cool down.
"Uwahh!" Marzia yelped as she tripped over.
Ryan ran up to her and picked her up. Placing her on a nearby bench.
He reached for his side bag and pulled out cotton swabs and a bottle of water.

"Damn, I knew someone would get hurt." He pour the fluid onto the absorbent swab and dabbed into her bleeding knee. She hissed in pain and clenched her fists onto her shirt.

"Hang on, it's almost done." She nodded and he place a square shaped plaster over her knee.
"It has rainbows on it.." She giggled and started a roar with laugher.
"It's not funny!! It's for (name) in case she's hurt!" Ryan quickly objected.

Meanwhile Felix stared at the two at a distance.
His heart ached as he saw Marzia enjoying her time with Cry.

His eyes blinked of tears and his lips were of a frown. He walked away with sadness in his actions.
"Marzia...why?" He looked into the sky and cried.

Meanwhile (name) was currently lost, she tried to find her brother but it didn't work. Instead she met Ken.

"Umm..Ken. hiya!"
The man with his regular bear hat and beard, smiled back.
"Yo!" He saluted.

"What brings you here to Florida?" She questioned
"You know, been searching for new friends and stuff. By the way, how's cry and Felix?"
"Uh...sort of lost them?"

He laughed and took out his cellphone.
"Whatcha doing now?"
"Calling Felix.......he's not picking up though.. How about we take a walk? We're bound to find them sooner or later." He patted her head and had on an assure smile.


Over at Pewds.

He walked looking downwards, constantly bumping at random people and couples.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to meet brown loving eyes.

"Marzia..what are you doing?" Resisting to show his face.
"I came to find you..what happened?" He glance back at her and showed his swollen face.

"Nothing, the water guy sprayed water into my eyes and I rubbed it." He lied.
"What happen to your knee?"

"Oh I tripped and Ryan patched it up!"
"Oh so it's you and Ryan now?" He faced her with a serious face.

"What are you talking about?"
"I saw you smiling and giggling at him. Don't try and denied that!"
"He was only patching it up for me! Geez what's wrong with you?!"

He snapped.
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me!? I'll tell you what's wrong with me! I'm jealous!!! You and Ryan!! Why!!" He pulled Marzia into a tight hug.

"The pain...it hurts, it hurts so bad....please make it stop..." He cried into her shoulder.
Almost instantly she wrapped her hands across his back and smiled.

"It's okay..I'm here now."
"I love you..." He mumbled.

She blushed and kissed his blonde hair.
"I love you too."

Just then his phone rang.
"Ignore it. You're to special to be interrupted."


I followed (name) around in the shadows as she tries to find the rest of the group with Ken. Why is he here?!

Woah stop it Ryan! When did you become such a bitch?

"Well it's time for me to leave Florida..my flights in 1 hour. I hope you can find the rest on your self?"
"Oh yea. Don't sweat it!"she waved as he left.

She huffed as she tried her cellphone again.
I notice a drunk wobbling towards her and I ran out of my shadow.
I pulled her into a hug, her face buried into my chest, as I glared at the perverted drunk.

He widen his eyes in surprise and limped back as fast as he can.
Which wasn't fast at all XD

"Ryan!" She brighten.
"(Name) I missed you,"
"I was looking for you, you ass! Where were you?"
"You know here and there." (In the shadows following you-.-)
"I see."she answered back. (Why do I feel like a protective stalker? (°-°')

"Let's go find Felix!"
I stopped in my tracks and she stopped to look back.
"Why is it always Felix? Why do you always mention him? Why do you smile at him with caring eyes!? Those eyes should only be for three people!"

"Three? Who?" She asked as I grabbed her chin.

"Me, myself, and I." I replied as I gave her a unexpected kiss. She flinched before closing her eyes and placing her hands on my neck.

She ended the kiss and gasped for air.
"It's okay to be jealous once in awhile Ryan." She giggled.
"Come on. Let's go find the two."

Well at the end of the day, Marzia and I had accomplish our goals and celebrated our victory, which of course, a dinner with everyone.

But to the fact, they started to feed each other again, without hesitating I stood up from my seat and grabbed the trio attention.

"What a nice sibling relationship...I envy you Felix."
He started to choke on his pizza.
I pointed to (name).

"So for tomorrow, you will be my younger sister for a day."


To be continue

I feel so proud.
Thank you guys for the nice comments and the follows.
I bow to you.
I had this thought in my head for awhile now so here you have it!
Chapter 13 part 1!!

Remember to





Thank you again and happy new year.

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