16. Reassurance

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Things have been going on that delayed for three years and maybe the fact I felt insecure about posting in this series, don't get me wrong, I love posting it's just I was in a apparent phrase of cowardice. But I'm back and hopefully I'll make up to the lack of three years.


(Third person)

(F/n) starred at the screen of the closed phone for a few minutes after, thoughts roaming in her head to which she made her feel puzzled.



She blinked after what had felt like a century to her and rubbed her temple, "Fiancé-?" She whispered out as she closed her eyes,  wondering if she should pinch herself to check if it was a dream.

And soon she did, with a small yelp of pain, she rubbed the soon to be bruising spot of red, and grumbled about her wellbeing. But something was more powerful to bring her out of the trance, if this wasn't a dream, then the caller was real and that meant this predicament was real as well. She leaned back on the door as she looked to the ceiling in thought, having temptations to ask her boyfriend about something he was hiding- but...

She bit her lip. She didn't want to appear as someone who would always barge into his private life no matter how many times he would give the okay sign for. She wanted to give him space but what if she was giving him too much space?

She felt conflicted, and uneasy rested in the pit of her stomach. Her hand raked her (h/c) strands and she sighed out loudly, in hopes that would relieve her but no. Nothing right now would be make her life that easy.

Before she knew it, the door she leaned on was opened and she quickly fell backwards, stronger arms falling into support as a grunt was heard.

"I've heard of you falling for me, but I didn't knew it was this easy," the voice teased in amusement as her face lighten up to meet his.

"In your dreams Ryan," she whispered out, slowly getting back to her feet and starting at him.

"Then I must be a lucky guy in them," He chuckled, bellowing out that baritone voice of his with no shame with the rising flush appearing on the female cheeks, nevertheless she slowly buried her face into his shirt, hugging him tightly from the waist.
"(F/n)?" He called out, stopping his laughter as he settled in the lack of response from the female, "Is something wrong-?"

"Do you....lIke me?" She asked, muffled in the fabric but he heard perfectly.

He hummed, "Well, if you replaced 'like' with 'love' then we can have an agreement-"

One look from her was all that was needed to silence him, as he closed his mouth, thinking of what to say. She was serious, and he would have been a jerk not to notice the distress signal in her eyes.

He rephrased his sentence, in hopes to bring back the normally playful and sunshine he normally swore from her, "Yes, I truely do love you,"

But it wasn't enough to ease the conflicting fire that roamed her head. She bit her lip and hugged him tighter, "Would you leave me for someone better?"

"Now where are you getting this?"

"I-" She kept quiet before sighing, "I-It's just a question- I just wanted to ask you that- I'm sorry. It must be a weird thing to ask-"

Her rambling was stopped as he lowered his lips down to meet hers, slowly kissing her as to feed her answers.
She slowly responded back and whimpered from the shock.

Once he pulled away, he could only give her a stare that was hard, something that told her to trust in him, or that he would soon find out if she kept her feelings bottled in, "I don't know what got you in this mood but I don't want you getting yourself hurt like this." He state, as he caress her cheek with his hand, fingers trailing against her skin as he started again.

"You don't need to be scared, I'm just for you. There is no way I'm going to change my mind for someone who's not the strong, not the bravest, not the most beautiful gal in the world when she's here right now in my arms," He gave her soft reassurance, hugging her tightly, and pulling her head into his crook as he stroked her hair daintfully, "I love you, and only you. There is noone in this world who I would rather be with than you. Because you're the only one who seemed to fufill me, my counterpiece you know?" He mumbled, embarrassed who rambling on as he closed his lips. Feeling that he had said his part as her shoulders had relaxed.

Maybe for now, let's not worry about her when he's right here with you.

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