Section 10: Sensor Types

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If you want more information please got to and type the word into the search bar and you find what you are looking for since the words are literally typed, for the most part, as they have it. Some words may not be added on there but they are used so please ask me if you are confused at all.

These are merely definitions, some may get lengthy but that is so it is easier to understand if it is a complicated term. Please enjoy and sorry for this long message before the terms, but it is needed.

If it is in parenthesis, (these thing here), it is not my own words and it is literally copied word for word from the TFwiki so none of the words, unless as stated before in parenthesis, are mine and they go to the respectful owners. They can all be found on the wiki and I have no claim on them except for the fact I am using them in this list here to help others.

Enjoy!~ ( The bold will be the Transformers/Cybertronian terms that will be used. Any questions please ask and I will answer them best I can)


Audio sensors- Audio Sensors are a component of anatomy that allows them to hear sounds in their environment. Some are more acute than others, allowing recording of normally inaudible frequencies. Can be enhanced but its not specified how that is possible

Photocells- Photocells are either a component of, or a synonym for optical sensors. They can be shattered in battle, though this appear to be more of an annoyance than a serious injury

Back/ shoulder sensors- scenes that can help you detect approaching people. It is unknown how common this is though.

Equilibrium sensors- Equilibrium sensors help a Transformer keep their sense of balance.

Olfactory sensors- Olfactory sensors are a sensor unit used to detect the scents of others. It is very common in animal based Transformers.

Optical sensors- The optics on a Transformer mostly seem to perform in an identical way to human eyes, including all the flaws, such as the ability to be dazzled by bright light sources pointed directly at them. Atmospheres with a high particle content may require windshield wipers to keep optic sensors clear. While all Transformers can usually be assumed to see in the same visual spectrum of colors than humans see in, there are obviously exceptions who are completely color-blind, and some Transformers demonstrate different perceptions (usually wherever the plot calls for it). Optical sensors typically came in visored and non-visored varieties. Sometimes on the same character.There are also some of the Transformers possessed of Optic weaponry.

Targeting sensors- Targeting sensors are sensors which help a Transformer locate and identify a hostile entity.

Surveillance packages- Many Transformers possess sensor packages that allow them to record surveillance data for later review.

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