Chapter 14: The Book of Eibon

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The next Saturday...

"Khou where are you going?" asked Rio as Khou was heading out the door. "I'm going to go hang out with Soul we do this every other week to just take a break from everything going on," explained Khou. "Oh okay have fun," said Rio. Khou then started to head to Soul and Maka's dorm and knocked on the door and Soul came out ready. They both then went to a restaurant to get something to eat. "Wait didn't you already eat something?" asked Khou. "Well yes but between you and me unlike Rio and you Maka is kinda a pretty bad cook but I eat it," said Soul. About 20 minutes later Khou went to the bathroom. But when he came out someone grabbed him covered his mouth and pulled him back in. They then put a needle into Khou's back making him pass out. The person then secretly dragged Khou out of the restaurant and used a magic tool to teleport them to Asura. "Good job," said Asura. Asura then woke Khou up then put a weapon to Khou's throat. "What the hell Asura what you want?" asked Khou. "Just to talk nothing more well about how I switched all of your genders," said Asura. "You have my attention," said Khou with curiosity. Asura then pulled out a book and said "This is The Book of Eibon and I've learned to harness the power of the book to make them become reality and I used the 1st chapter of lust. What this chapter does is it turns the person it effects into what that person finds the most attractive of the opposite gender." "What!" yelled Khou in shock. "I now know who you most care about the one you love it's that little girl Rio isn't it," said Asura. Khou just gave a shocked expression. "Now my plan can go into motion by putting your soul into the book your body will become nothing more than an empty shell then I'll kill all your little friends," said Asura as he opened a book and started to chant a spell and Khou's Soul was sucked in and Khou's body just fell to the ground. The guy who drugged Khou used the magic tool again to teleport them back to the restaurant bathroom then closed Khou's eyes and put him down then teleported back. Soul then came in the bathroom curios what's taking Khou so long and then he saw the soulless Khou on the ground and gasp and thought to himself "Rio is going to kill me." Soul then picked up Khou's body and brought it back to Khou and Rio's and when Rio came to the door she asked what happened but Soul didn't know which Rio then put Khou in his bed put blankets over him and called a doctor.

Meanwhile in the book of Eibon...

"What the heck happened?" Khou asked himself. "Wait my voice is different wait am I in the 1st chapter of lust. That would explain why I'm a girl again." Khou then started walking around when eventually he felt rumbling on the ground as if the page was turning. Khou closed his eyes and when he opened them he was in the middle of mountains on mountains of restaurant tempting Khou. "I read about this the one book I read if I eat any of this food I won't be able to stop eating it I'll just have to wait for the page to turn. People kept calling Khou to come sit down and eat something but no matter how much Khou stomach growled he didn't accept any of it and about 2 hours later the floor started to shake again so hard that Khou fell to the ground. Khou has conquered chapter 2 the chapter of gluttony but the next chapter the chapter of envy might just break him.

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