Chp5: Her Story

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I let Rose shower, gave her some oversized sweatpants and a loose blue t-shirt, and fed her until she couldn't eat anymore. I feel an attraction towards her but I don't know what it is. I felt like I needed to protect her and help her and take care of her. Like she was mine. Like she is mine, but the Witch said had said that there's a possible chance...never mind.

We were all currently in the living room, Rose on the recliner and me and Aiden on the couch.

"Where are we?" Rose asked.

"We're in a cabin in the woods. Not like the horror film, but it's just like a safe house. No one knows about where it is but Aiden and I." I said.

"Enough about us. Tell us about you, Rose." Aiden Said.

She sighed and scratched the back of her neck. "I don't really like telling people about my past, it's hard for me..."

"I understand. Trust me. Imagine having the King and Queen as your parents and you have to have this perfect image to prove to everyone that your worth it." I said.

She looked down. "Imagine thinking you had the perfect life, but then your family left you behind to die, and you were saved for a few more months, just to almost die again and leaving what you could've called home to try and survive on your own for however long you can, and succeeding for many years, only to be caught and sold like a piece of furniture."

Me and Aiden looked at each other, our mouths open, and then back at Rose.

"Tell us your story child!" Aiden said.

I don't think I'm going to like this...

"A long time ago, the four nations lived in perfect harmony, but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked." Rose started off smiling.

"This isn't Avatar: The Last Air Bender. What's your story?" Aiden asked.

Rose snapped her fingers and swung her arm across her chest. "You got me. Okay, so way back when, before the Vampire and Fairy war, from what I know we all lived happily and no one messed with each other and we were all safe. Well, my mother had taught me how to play the piano, then the guitar, then the violin and all that good stuff. She said it's a good way to attract boys and I might've even became famous. She was so proud of me, little did I know it didn't matter much anyways...

"Well one day I was playing the piano and my mother was singing to the tune. My father and brother were out fixing the car when the power in the house went out. It was sunny outside so we still had natural light coming in and I could still play the piano, but it was really unusual for that to happen. Last time the power went out, we had and earthquake, but that didn't happen this time. No one crashed their car into a light pole or anything. It just, went out. So my mother went outside to tell my father about it, and I was left alone inside. Suddenly I had heard gun shots and screaming, and I went outside to see what happened.

"Keep in mind I was only about 5 at the time." She said.

"Okay, so what happened?" I asked.

"Well I went outside only to find nothing. My dad and brother fixed the car, and they took my mom and left. I was alone for the first time in my life, but when I went back inside, I wasn't..."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I went back inside to see my back door broken down and about 5 Vampires in the house. They saw me and one of them came up to me, got down on one knee, and asked where my parents were. I told them I didn't know. They left me. The one Vampire told the others he had this and they left. I guess he was the leader or something. Then he started talking to me again.

"I can show you if you want..." Rose said.

"What do you mean?" Aiden asked.

Rose held out both of her hands, one going to each me and Aiden, and we both carefully held her hand.

"Please, just, don't fight it..." She said.

Suddenly everything went black, and I could see something in the distance. As the image got closer, I realized it was a little girl and what looked like a Vampire. He was down on one knee talking to her.

"What's your name, little one?"


It was younger Rose.

"Well Rose, where are your parents?" He asked and looked around.

"I don't know. The power went out, my mommy went to go talk to my daddy and then I heard someone shouting and screaming. I went outside, and they left. Do you know where my parents are?" She asked, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes.

"No, but I'm sure they'll come back for you. My name is Craven. I'm going to take care of you, okay?"

She smiled. "Okay." She lifted her arms upwards and Craven stood up and picked her up and held her on his waist.

Rose then let go of our hands and everything went back to normal.

"What was that?" I asked.

"It was the memory of what happened, dumbass." Aiden answered.

"I meant- how did you show us? How were we able to see it?"

"One of my few abilities I'm able to do. I'm still figuring them out, I haven't had much time considering I've been on the run and stuff, but I'm slowly learning more and more," Rose said, "but anyways, Craven took me to his house and he took care of me for many months, then one day he went out to go shopping like he did every Thursday, and he didn't come back. The house barely had any food in it anyways so I was starving in a couple days. I had to leave the house, and when I went out, I was mortified. He told me never to leave the house, but I had no food or anything. I would've died. What could I do?"

"What happened after that?" Aiden asked.

"I had to live and survive on my own. I went back to where my house was, but everything and everyone was gone. It was all burned and nothing was left. There were bones, ashes, blood, life was present. I was alone again. I've been on the run since then, but now I'm here."

"That's horrible. What happened to your parents?" I asked.

"I don't know. I think I'm the only Fairy left today."

"I'll be back." I said and got up and left.

"Did I upset him or something?" I heard Rose ask Aiden.

"No. He's just making a phone call. So tell me what all happened with Craven..."

I rounded the corner and pulled out my phone, clicking the speed dial button. "Hello." A voice said on the other side.

"Hey. It's me." I said.

"How are you? You never speak to us anymore, it's like your not even our-"

"Don't say it." I cut him off.

"Well it's true, but what do you want?"

"Project Flower."

"...." The line was silent for a few minutes. "Your found her?"

"Found her, I own her. She was sold to the highest bidder and it was me. The only auction you don't go to, and you should've."

"Bring her here so I know-"

"We'll be there in a few minutes." I ended the called and walked back in the living room. "Let's go."

"Where are we going?" Rose asked.

"No questions. Let's just go." We went outside into the woods and Rose got on my back. "Hold on." She wrapped her arms around my neck and locked her legs around my waist. Then we were off to the Castle.

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