Chp2: Jace Loveless

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My name is Jace Loveless. I know my last name sounds bad but it's really not, I do love, just a select few people.

I'm six foot five. I have jet black hair, I'm fairly muscular, I'm 422 years old, and I'm a Vampire. The Prince of Vampires to be specific.

I was at home when I heard about the fairy auction. Fairies are extremely rare these days. My parents, the current King and Queen, had just about killed all of them, but for a good reason. They were threatening to take over the Kingdom. If they did nothing would be sane. The Fairies are as powerful as the Vampires if not more powerful. They hid it well, but once the Fairies go into attack or defense mode, their almost impossible to beat. Everyone would be trying to get the Kingdom back and the Fairies would be killing us. So we surprise attacked them and killed nearly all.

Do we regret it now, some of us, yes. Others didn't quite care. They loved the taste of their blood and the feeling it gave them.

If the same people know about the auction then they're going to be there. I needed to get that Fairy, and I did.

It's a girl, and she's gorgeous. She has blue eyes and dark red hair. She isn't to tall or short, maybe a little on the boney side, but for obvious reasons.

I watched as she was pulled out of the cage and dragged back stage by her hair. I could see her struggling to hit the auctioneer but failing due to her restraints.

"Everyone leave. This auction is over." I demanded, and everyone fled.

I walked back stage and watched as she was pushed up against a wall and slapped in the face.

"Listen up you blood bag, you better hope I kill you before that pathetic Prince does because I can promise you that I will be much more gentle then him. Now," he grabbed her hair again and pulled her neck to one side, " let's have some fun."

He slid out his fangs and as he was about to sink them into her neck, her eyes changed colors, from a sky blue to a burning red.

Just before he bit her he recoiled from her and fell on his knees, holding his ears screaming:



Then I smelled blood. She was making him bleed from his eyes and ears.

"Hey!" I yelled.

She looked at me, her eyes turning back to their original blue, then looked at the auctioneer.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" she was saying, and then she started to tear up. She leaned against the wall and fell on her butt, pulling her knees against her chest, crying.

"You bitch!" He looked towards me and pointed his hands at her. "My Prince, you're just going to let her do that!"

"As far as I'm concerned, it was self-defense. What is your name?"

"Dalton- she can't go unpunished!"

"She can and will. It is you who can't go unpunished, Dalton. You were about to vandalize my property. Now you will pay the price." In a instance I snapped his neck.

I heard the girl gasp. As I turned around she was looking at the man, then she started to cry harder, shaking her head.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I- I-" She started to breathe really heavily and fast, taking quick breathes.

"What're you doing? Stop that!" Then she passed out.

I picked her up bridal style and walked out the back door of the auction.

Now to my safe house.

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