Coffee, Smurfs and Paparazzi

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kk short update, and I only know of one reader right now so thanks greasy9315 for reading, even though the whole story is like dedicated to you.  please comment what you think of the story so far because there's nothing like constructive criticism


btw the pic on the side is CHARLIE EVANDERS

The next morning, I woke up and glanced at the clock. 

8:00a.m.  Why was I awake so early? 

Oh yeah.  I was going for a coffee with NIALL HORAN. 

I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes before splashing some water on my face to wake me up properly. 

The fridge was almost empty, which I decided was a good thing because then I wouldn’t have to eat everything before I left.  I gulped down a piece of toast which had way too much vegemite on it and got dressed into some loose-fitting pants and a blue jumper. 

There was a knock on my door and I rushed over, opening it and giving Niall a big smile. 


He grinned back.  “G’day.  How’s it going?”

I shrugged.  “I’m still half asleep.  I hope there aren’t any fans outside,” I said, peering out the window. 

He laughed.  “There will be, don’t worry.  It’s like they have a sixth sense or something.”

I chuckled.  “That’s why Directioners are the best fans ever!”

He raised his eyebrows.  “And you’re one of them huh?”

“Come on, who isn’t?  I’m a big fan.  Not crazy obsessed stalk you until you die fan, but just the sort of fan who would know everything going on and stuff like that,” I told him.

“Should I be worried?”


We stepped into the elevator and rode down while listening to the stupid elevator music. 

“This music is so annoying!” I said, looking around as though I would find the source of it and kill it. 

“Well we’re almost at the bottom so you only have to put up with it for like 10 seconds,” Niall said, looking at the numbers as they clicked down. 

“I can handle that.” 

As soon as the doors opened I wished I was still in the elevator because there were at least twenty die-hard fans screaming at the front of the hotel. 

“Oh god,” I breathed.

“Come on, they’ll only think you’re my girlfriend,” Niall said, grabbing my arm and pulling me forwards. 

Only think you’re my girlfriend?  Do you know how much hate Perrie, Eleanor and Sophia get?  Plus they’ll probably make up some huge thing about it and I won’t be able to go back to school!” I cried. 

“Well I’ll tell them, firmly, that there’s nothing going on okay?  And that you’re one of the bodyguard’s daughters or something,” he told me. 

“Ooh!  Do I get a new name?” I asked sarcastically. 

He smiled and pushed open the doors, stopping at a couple of fans for photos. 

“Who are you?” asked a voice. 

I turned around and saw a pretty girl, about my age, looking at me like I was a cockroach. 

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