Help! They're demented!

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looong update... 



I lay on my sleeping bag on the floor of Maddie’s living room, alongside Penny and Dani who were snoring away. 

I couldn’t blame them; you’d think everyone’d be asleep at 4:00 in the morning!  Except me.  I was always an early riser, which is a problem when I go for sleepovers and all anyone wants to do is sleep.


I kept replaying the conversation we’d had at Macca’s.  It was a weird one, starting with Frankie suggesting we played truth or dare, much to my joy. 

“So, Penny, truth or dare?” Frankie asked. 


“Who is your crush?”

We all groaned.  That was the last thing we needed to hear. 

“I don’t have one,” Penny told her. 

“Oh come on!  Everyone does!” Frankie insisted. 

“I don’t!” Millie piped up. 

“No one cares about crushes alright?  Unless it’s Candy Crush, we don’t care,” Maddie said. 

“I don’t care about Candy Crush either,” I said. 

“NOBODY CARES!” Dani shouted. 

The table went silent. 

“Awkward,” I whispered. 

“No, you just made that awkward by saying ‘awkward’,” Grace told me. 

“What?  Me awkward?  I don’t think so!” I replied.

“You’re an awkward person Charlie,” Louise stated. 

“You’re a wizard Harry,” I replied.

“That was unnecessary,” Millie told me. 

“You’re unnecessary,” Maddie said. 

“So is your face,” Millie retorted. 

“Now that was unnecessary!” Dani said loudly. 

“Oh my god can we just shut up and talk about something normal?  Like clothes or One Direction?” Penny asked. 

“Ooh!  One Direction!” Dani gushed.

 “Oh yes!  Charlie, did Niall tell you any of the goss?” Frankie asked. 

I took a bite of my ice-cream.  “No comment,” I said, my mouth full. 

“What did she say?” asked Maddie. 

“I think she said Liam’s a comet,” Grace told her. 

“I said NO COMMENT,” I said, my mouth still full. 

“Ohh!  Louis’ not a carrot!” Millie said. 

I swallowed the cold ice-cream. 

“I said, NO COMMENT!”

“Oh.  So he didn’t tell you anything?” Louise asked. 

“No comment.”

Everyone sighed at the same time, causing me to laugh. 

“What?” Millie asked. 

“Nothing,” I replied. 

“She’s probably thinking about something cute Niall said,” Dani joked. 

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