2: Sunday; June 05, 2016

83 2 3

Published late, my apologies.
- kaweheokalani


1. Thank you, for my new job
2. Thank you, for the outing today with my cousins and co-workers
3. Thank you, for comfortable shoes, that hike would have been terrible without it
4. Thank you, for the groovy weather
5. Thank you, for the light rain on the way back
6. Thank you, for the rainbow that we also saw on the way back
7. Thank you, for the beautiful horses that we saw today
8. Thank you, for the funny tour guides and their silly jokes
9. Thank you, for the several zip lines
10. Thank you, for the suspension bridges that we got to cross and jump on to scare everybody
11. Thank you, for letting me annoy my cosuins, thats always good fun
12. Thank you, for the chance to do something new

Three Potatoes,

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