I forgot how much I had sincerely been grateful for a friend.
Thank you, I had a good day today overall.2. Thank you, for letting me be in decent health and had not needed to make another trip to the doctors.
3. Thank you, for the weather, it was fine and well complimented with the light drizzle, and the air smelled nice and cleaner than usual. I miss breathing clean air, city air feels so suffocating.
Thank you, for letting me fall asleep when my parents said to do laundry, therefore, my brothers had to do it. (I am still laughing at the thought )5.
Thank you, for getting to spend time with Koa today, he was good today (as usual) and seems alright.6.
Thank god for another day with Koa, he is such a joy.7.
Thank God for another day with my parents, even on days when it feels hard to be around them or listen to their words or anger. I still have both parents who are alive. And not a lot of people can say that.
Thank you, for my brothers. I have siblings to share and disagree with, to spend time with and do things as siblings.9.
Thank you, for the internet.
For learning about the searching features which let me do research for school, to share words with others, to watch videos of most anything, it is limitless in all that can be gained from the Internet.9.
Thank you, for the people who created the Internet. For what they did and had to learn over years and years to create something that had never existed before10.
Thank you, for the chance to share good or bad news with others. To be able to communicate when a good or bad event occurs.
Thank you, for the chance to catch up a bit with an old friend. It was refreshing to recall the good in my friend and share my well wishes, because they are quite dear to me.11.
Thank you, for the ache lessening. Fading, and damaged. I hope to find a way to work on rebuilding my trust in myself and not being deceived by my naive belief in others.12.
Thank you, for the chance to someday fall in love with a good person with a good heart. It is a day to sincerely look forward to.
Thank you, for the fact that I can call, text, or email a lost friend, to end or keep in touch about any which thing I choose. A choice is nice, since in-person meetings would bring all that pain afresh. I may ruin my own resolve and damage myself more than what has already been lost.14.
Thank you, for the old acquaintance. I remembered how much i cared for him and why. And I hope he always has a smile. Thank you for the interaction and the reminder that some things will just not work out. That some people won't care, regardless of what you do for them.15.
Thank you, for only having a bit of a sore throat and not being sick with anything too serious and having to go to the Emergency room at the hospital.
Thank you, for the medicine I was able to find and consume to take a further measure in case i caught another cold.17.
Thank you, for the doctor who looked after me when i went this past week to the doctor's office. I am grateful for her time and attention in my care of my self.18.
Thank you, for another day to have to admire and appreciate.Three potatoes,
: Mahalo List :
AcakJust a thing for myself, no one is expected to read it. I just want to have a list of things I am thankful for that I can look over when I am feeling a bit down. Start: June 04, 2016 Goal: 10 thankful things to share per day ********