he's angry

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Hey everyone I'm so sorry it took me a while to update I just have been under the weather lately I maybe sick right now but I don't want that getting in the way of writing my books.

Your Friend,

MichaelJacksonfan108 😃

Malaysia's point of view

I woke up not seeing Michael right beside me I walk, down stairs and he's making food for the both of us He's so adorable when he cooks for the both of us. I walk, behind him and rap, my arms around him "what are you making this time baby?" I ask as I gave him a smile and a kiss on the cheek. "Well I..um...it w-w-was saposed to be a suprize I was gonna leave a note baby because I have to be at the recording studio in about five minutes" Michael says as he gives me a kiss on the forehead and puts, some pancakes,bacon,eggs and toast on a plate for me. "Aww thank you Michael honey this is wonderful" I say giving Michael a kiss on the lips. "Well Malaysia I've got to go now love you bye" Michael says as he grabs his things that he needed for the recording studio. "I love you to Mikey Bear have a good day see you when you get home" I say taking, eating the last bite of my food I'm am the luckiest girl in the world to have him I say to myself.

Michael's Point of view

I arrive at the recording studio I see Frank like always I'm not to happy with him he betrayed me after so many years I trusted him. I get, out of the vehicle and walk, up to Frank with anger I can feel my face burning up from all the anger inside of me "h-hey M-Michael w-what's u-up?" Frank says in a scared tone Frank must know I'm angry with him.

"FRANK HOW COULD YOU TELL THE MEDIEA ABOUT ME AND MALAYSIA NOW IF I HANG OUT WITH BROOKE SHEILEDS AND IF SHE GIVES ME A KISS ON THE CHEEK MALAYSIA IS GONNA THINK I CHEATED ON HER Y-YOUR F-F-FIIIIRRRREED FRANK NOW GO DONT SAY A WORD" I yelled at Frank and everyone around me was shocked they have never seen me this angry before. About an hour I go home and cuddled with Malaysia.

Malaysia's point of view

Michael comes home Angry and he tells Me everything boy is he mad his face is burning red I have never seen this side of Michael he's the most gentle people in the world stupid Frank had to get him Angry but within a couple of Minutes Michael calms down and we cuddle and fall asleep.

Sorry A/N this is short I am trying to get other stories done as well lots of love,


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