2: The meeting

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Colton's POV:

I woke up with a start, hitting my head against the edge of the bed, which my head had apparently been dangling off of, and cursed while jumping up.

I then noted the disgusting wet feeling on my crotch and thighs, and cursed even louder.

That was the third time this week that it had happened. Some part of me wanted to pretend it was something medical and go to the doctor, which is what my maid, who didn't speak English and had signed a contract of silence, had been told. The other part of me, which had been getting a bit more persistent, knew exactly what it was.

My body was regressing faster than it used to. Which was no surprise considering the stress I'd been under lately. I'd need to ask the others on my forum what to do about this.

I went to run myself a quick bath, and seeing the large, masculine body in the mirror calmed my nerves a bit. I looked at the body hair I had, and relaxed even more. There wasn't much, but littles didn't have body hair at all. Therefore, I wasn't a little. There had been a mistake in my classification, obviously.

I stepped into the tub, and while washing under my armpits I thought about what needed to be done in the meeting today. We would definetely need a manager along for the world-wide visits to the multiple establishments of my company, which was where I'd appoint a CEO for each one individually and finally one who would take over my job after which I'd get back into acting. I'd always enjoyed that more anyway. I looked down, and noticed some thin strands of hair caught in the drain, and I looked at myself in terror.

The hair on my chest and under my armpits was gone. 

It was very safe to say that I was not in a good mood when I entered Class Management for my meeting with their CEO.

Lydia's POV

I was feeling happy and probably more excited than I should feel when I walked into the meeting room half an hour earlier than I should have, together with Martha who was equally as excited, even though I wasn't sure if that was about Neill or about Zalamarez. 

"This is the most awesome client we've ever had. I'm still fangirling" She said, and I smiled in silent agreement.

When the Zalamarez crew arrived ten minutes early, I greeted them with a big smile on my face.

"Good morning sir, crew. I am Lydia Carson, CEO of Class Management, and we are very happy to meet with you here" I said while walking up to Zalamarez to shake his hand. When I did, it felt like a tiny spark jumped from him to me, and I looked at his face, slightly startled as he pulled his hand away at the same moment. 

"Excuse me, that must've been static. I just got this jacket pressed" I said, and he nodded.

"I'm Colton Zalamarez, this is Neill Kornfeld, and this is my assistant Felicity Goodwill" He said shortly before sitting down.

"Of course mister Zalamarez. Could we get anything for you? We serve an excellent cappuchino" I said, and Colton seemed to frown for a short moment before nodding. 

"I'll have a flat white please" he said, and without a word, Kyle was in the room.

"Yes sir, can I get you anything else, sir?" he asked, and while Zalamarez lightly raised his eyebrows at the retriever, he shook his head.

"Miss Lydia? Miss Martha? Sir, ma'am?" Kyle asked eagerly, and when he'd taken the orders from everyone, he left with a skip in his step.

"How progressive of you to hire a pet. Not many people would" Colton said, and I smiled.

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