29; grandpa and "f*ck, the avengers!"

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Get ready for a bit of Carson family history!

Lydia's POV:

"Lydia! Martha called me, that girl hasn't changed a bit. I was told-"

And then my dad was interrupted by a wail.

"Well, I guess that makes it time to meet my grandson," he smiled, giving me a hug and a kiss to my cheek before sneaking in past me.

"Dad! At least give me the chance to calm him down first," I exclaimed, walking after him, into the kitchen where Colton seemed to be stressing even more at the combination of me being gone and a stranger coming near him.

"Colton, calm down. This is grandpa!" I tried after picking him up, but the boy didn't seem very convinced yet.

"Nuh-oh! You left me 'lone!" He grumped, and I shook my head at the little boy.

"You know I'm not leaving, buddy. Don't you want to say hi to grandpa Greg?" I said, happy to see that the boy had enough energy for grumpiness.

"Hey bud, I heard you weren't feeling so well. Of course I had to hear that from your aunt Martha, because your mommy never tells me anything. I bet you think it's silly too that doms always want to take care of everything alone," my dad said with a wink, his low voice apparently soothing Colton a bit, who gave a hesitant nod.

"Yuh," he said in reply, which I considered a win.

"Allright buddy, I think it's time for another diaper change, and I have to take your temperature," I said, and luckily Colton was still too out of it to notice that I was adressing his diaper, because in his current mindset that might've led to tears.

"Phew, I do not approve of diarrhea. Don't do this more often," I said while changing his diaper, and the boy simply whined impatiently.

"I know, mommy is slow and everything is uncomfortable," I said while rubbing his stomach, but not taping up his diaper just yet.

"Let's see what your temperature is, huh?" I said, not really willing to use the baby thermometer I was told to use with littles this young, especially because Colton would likely not appreciate it.

"Mommy's sorry buddy, but it has to go in your butt," I said and Colton immediately started thrashing.

"Nuh! No, moh-mee!" He yelped, but luckily he was strapped down on the changing table, so I simply caught his ankles and, well, shoved the thermometer up there.

Keeping him still for the next thirty seconds was a whole new ballgame.

"NOH! MOMMY!" The boy shrieked, and the distress, strangely enough, appeared to age him up a bit.

"Calm down- no, that- don't kick mommy in the face, sweetheart," I chastised, before finally hearing the beep that meant release for both Colton and me.

"101.4. You definitely still have a fever, baby boy," I said before quickly taping up his diaper and snapping his onesie shut.

"Mean," he whined when I'd picked him back up, and I chuckled.

"I know, I'm the meanest mommy ever, huh? Come on, let's get you downstairs to properly meet grandpa," I said, and the boy nodded, sticking a few fingers in his mouth nervously.

"Fingers out, sweetheart. You're sick already, let's not make it worse," I said while pulling his hands away, at which he whined again.

"You really are mean," he mumbled, clearly floating inbetween big and little.

"Oh, I know sweetheart. But you don't have to be nervous about grandpa, okay? He's happy enough that I finally found someone," I said before fishing a pacifier out of my pocket.

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