27: of defiance and fights

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I am simply not capable of letting drama last long. I'm dissappointed in myself.

Also I'd completely forgotten that Colton's arm was broken, and his cast had to come off probably two weeks ago in the story.. whoops.

Also, this chapter is not late! Woohoo!

Colton's POV:

Four weeks went by, and Tina was honestly a genius. I'd noticed that- in my adult headspace- there was honestly no telling that I had never not been able to walk or run like an adult. When I was in my little headspace, I still had a slight wobble. But I could live with a small wobble, and mommy still loved it.

That morning, I had woken up big. The night before, my cast had finally come off, and I was still smiling down at my arm. It hadn't shrunk down because of the cast since I'd had the modifiers, but it was a bit pale. And after I woke up, mommy had gotten a phone call.

"Baby, would you mind being alone with Tina for this class? Auntie Martha just called, and Neill has to go meet with some people that want to buy his apartment after he and Martha moved in together, so she asked me to help make a list for everything the baby will need. She's a bit early, but I'm not going to deny a hormonal pregnant lady," she asked, and I chuckled.

"I wouldn't ask you to. I'm fully big, and we'll be done before I have to nap. I'll manage an hour with Tina," I said, before smirking slightly.


"If what?" Mommy said, one eyebrow raised.

"If I can have a cup of coffee,"

I hadn't had coffee in four months, and I honestly missed it, especially today for some reason.

"You know that's not good for you. Littles can't digest it as well as adults. But fine, one cup. With a lot of milk, and after therapy," she bargained, and I smiled widely.

"Really? Wow, I wasn't expecting that one. Thanks," I exclaimed, and mommy chuckled.

"I know you weren't. Now, let's get your teeth brushed and a diaper change, and we're ready to go," she said, and I nodded, evading her arms and making my way up the stairs.

"You don't wanna humour me for a second, do you?" She said, and I chuckled.

"I already let you wipe my ass and brush my teeth. Let me have this,"

"Good point," mommy chuckled, and I hopped on top of the changing table, which I was able to do again.

"You better not be this independant all the time, I'm a p-dom, I need to have someone to care for," she said, and I nodded.

"I know. Don't worry, mommy. I'm just really big today," I winked.

"Yeah, I know sweetheart. And I'm proud that you can be so big, it's fun too," she said before quickly changing my diaper.

"Best part about you being big is that you don't make a fuss about brushing your teeth," mommy said after said activity, and I chuckled.

"Yeah, I don't know why I hate it so much when I'm little."

"How does that work? Because you do always remember being little," she asked, and I shrugged.

"I do, but when I'm little, everything is.. emotion. There's not really any place for rational thought, so why I do things is always just because I feel like it. When I'm big, everything is mostly rational thought. That's why it's difficult to explain why little me does things," I explained.

"That makes sense, I guess. Let's go, I don't want you to be late for therapy," mommy said, and I nodded reluctantly.

I could honestly think of better ways to spend my day big.

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