22: parents and oncoming parents

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Lydia's POV:

"O my god, Martha. Have you done a pregnancy test yet?" I asked in shock, and I heard a slight sob on the other side.

"I- I'm scared to. I can't have a baby right now! I've only known Neill for two months! And we almost always used a condom!" She said panicky.

"Listen, you need to calm down, okay? I'm coming over right now with a pregnancy test, and we're going to sort this out. It's all going to be okay, whatever happens." I told her sternly before hanging up and getting dressed as quickly as possible. I made a quick bottle for Colton before heading upstairs again to wake him up.

"Colton, baby? Can you wake up?" I said while lowering the side of his brand new crib, and he whined a little, kicking his feet in disdain at being woken up earlier than he'd intended to.

"Can't." He muttered, and I picked him up regardless, earning me another whine.

"Moh-mee no!" He whined, and I patted his butt before laying him down on the changing table.

"I'm sorry sweetie. But auntie Martha is in a little bit of trouble, and I have to go to her! You want me to go to you as well when you're in trouble, don't you?" I said, and he sighed.

"Fineee. But can we bring my army men? I wanna play" he whined, and I swatted his thigh.

"Colton, I do not appreciate this behavior. I know that you're not fully little, and I know that you're tired, but you're acting like a brat. Auntie Martha needs my help, and if you can't behave I'm going to get you a babysitter. Do you understand?" I said, and he nodded, seemingly startled at my harsh reaction.

Well, my best friend needed me and I could not have a baby who all of the sudden decided to start the terrible twos early on top of that.

"Sorry" he said with a little disgruntled kick, and I pressed a kiss on top of his head.

"It's allright baby, mommy's a little shaken up as well. Now, how about we get you into the car with some breakfast?" I said, only bothering to throw some fuzzy socks and sweatpants over his diaper and long-sleeved onesie before setting him on my hip, rummaging through my bathroom cabinet to find the package of two unused pregnancy tests laying there.

Everyone has had a pregnancy scare. I was just lucky enough to get my period on the way back from the store.

"What's that?" Colton asked, and I smiled softly.

"That's something auntie Martha needs, baby. Now, how about a warm bottle in the car, huh?" I said, grabbing his diaper bag and his bucket with army men before making my way outside to my personal car, which was smaller than the one Jerome drove for me.

I buckled Colton into the car seat I had installed before driving away, arriving at Martha's in about fifteen minutes. I got Colton out of the car and quickly headed to her front door just to see her open it before I could ring the doorbell.

"Lyds, thank god you're here. I'm freaking the hell out" she said while pulling us inside.

"I don't know what to do. I've been throwing up ever since yesterday, and I need to know" she said, and I set Colton down on the couch so I could give her a hug.

"It's going to be okay, whatever the tests say, whatever happens. I brought two tests. Do you want to do them now, or do you want to call Neill first?" I asked, and her lip started trembling again before she took a deep breath.

"No, let's do the tests first. I just- I want to know what I have to tell him" she said, and I nodded.

"Allright then. Colton, sweetie, can you play here with your soldiers for a bit while auntie Martha and I go upstairs for a little while?" I asked, and he whined.

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