Chapter One

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'Morning. Any post?' Jessie said, mid yawn.

'Morning. Er...nope, sorry.' I replied.

She's sent off for one of those competitions they show on the television, but there's been no news since. She insists there's still time, but deep down she knows she's just kidding herself.

'You alright?' She mumbled.

'Yeah." I lied. "You?'


I think she lied, too.

I got up to take a shower. Conversations have been awkward with us two recently.

Once I'd finished getting ready, there was the familiar knock at the door. It was Phoenix, my best friend. He's one of the closest things I have now, he's like a brother to me.

'Hi. What's up?' He said in his soft, deep voice whist making his way inside.

'Nothing.' I lied, again. 'You?'

'Eh. I'm alive.'

He always said this.

I just manged to force a smile as Jessie made her way towards us.

'Hey there, Jessica.' He said whist ruffling her hair.

'For the last time, it's Jessie.' She stated angrily, while sorting her hair out in the mirror.

She loves him really.

As we left the door, the bitter November air hit me. I was so used to the sun blazing down during summer, it was a bit of a shock. I buttoned up my coat and put my hands in the pockets. I loathe the cold.

'It'll be Christmas soon. Woo!' Shouted Phoenix, beaming from ear to ear.

'Oh.' I crocked.

Christmas. I've not even considered that yet. We can't afford presents anymore, mum's too depressed to do anything and dad's- well, yeah. Maybe me and Jessie can stay with Phoenix? It depends on who's house he's going to. His parent's divorced when he was seven and both now live separate life's. Even though it's easy for him to go back and fourth, house to house, he ends up spending most of his time with us, anyway. We probably couldn't stay with him though, we can't exactly leave mum. I couldn't think about it, so I changed the subject.

When we eventually got to school, after our thirty minute treck, we said goodbye to Jessie and made our way to form.

"'What do you want for Christmas then?' Asked Phoenix, moving the conversation back.

'Nothing, really. How about you?' I'm getting great at this lying thing.

Truth is, all I want is happiness. For mum to be happy and for me to not have to work constantly. That's my simple Christmas wish.

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