Chapter five.

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I was back in my living room. Only, it didn't look like my living room, it was warm and clean. I could hear a small familier mutter behind me. It was dad's voice. I quickly spun around to find him sat there on the sofa with Jessie on his lap, telling her one of the many stories of his adventurous past. 'Zoe, take your eyes off the tv and come here!' He joked. I smiled and sprinted over to him. His arms wrapped around me and all I could think was that he smelt different, he smelt nice, not of drugs for a change. 'Here you go my lovies!' Called mum, waltzing in carrying a giant turkey and placing it on the table. He smile as wide and voice ss cheery as I remember. I slowly shut my eyes and -


Wait...what? I thought. Did I just heard my name? I opened my tired eyes and waited. Nothing.

I re-shut my eyes.

'ZOE!' I definatly heard that, it was Jessie calling from downstairs.

'What?' I croaked.

'COME HERE!' She shouted.

'Okay. Okay.' I huffed, stumbling around attempting to walk.

I hurried downstairs to find Jessie stood pointing at the computer with a hopeful smile on her face. 'Look!'

'1 like!!!!' Was beaming across the screen surrounded by more flashing cupids.

'What does that mean?' I questioned.

'It means someone's seen mum's profile and they like it!' She exclaimed.

'Oh my God, really?!' My heart rose with hope.'Who is it?!'

After a few seconds of mouse-clicking, his profile had appeared on the screen.

'Who's that...?' Jessie asked, pointing to his profile picture.

'I'm not sure.' I replied. I'd seen him before, but I couldn't quite think where...

We slowly shuffled ourselves away from the computer and placed ourselves on the sofa, eyes once again poised at the tv screen.

I wasn't concentrating, like normal. The face of the man from 'Lovebirds' was etched inside my brain. Who was he? I couldn't think, all I knew was that I didn't like him.

'I'm going to bed.' Mumbled Jessie.

'Yeah, me too.' I replied.


'Jessie, Jessie! Look over here my darlin'! Called mum.

As Jessie swilered round, the 'click' of a camera went off.

'B-e-a-u-tiful!' Mum said, mimicking an Italian accent.

'Just like her mum!' Dad had appeared from the hallway carrying four bags, all full of little wrapped up presents. 'This one's for Zoe!' He said, handing me my bag. 'This one's for Jessie!' He handed Jessie her bag, 'And this one's for you, Rose!' He danced over to mum, gave her a kiss and handed over her bag. 'And who's this for?!' He joked, while clinging tightly to his bag.

We all exchanged smiles and pulled out our presents, one by one, each of us making noises of excitment when we saw what was inside them.

Suddenly everything went black. I opened my sour eyes to the sound of a polite but impatient knocking on the front door. Confused, I looked over to my alarm clock to find it was 8:30am. Who would come at this time on a Sunday morning?! I could hear Jessie stirring in her bedroom, so I carefully got up and found her stood on the landing looking puzzled.

We tip-toed downstairs and gingerly unlocked the door, letting a giant gush of freezing cold air fly into us.

Our eyes looked up to the man at the door and instantly recognised him as being the man from 'Lovebirds'. Now I knew why I didn't like him. He was the man who tried to split up my parents a few years ago! I could see Jessie had realised this, too.

'Hi girls. Um, any chance of me seeing your mother?' The man said in a deep, posh sounding voice.

'And you are?' I began. I wasn't in the mood to be polite.

'Atrox Luto.' He replied. 'I am terribly sorry about what happened with your parents.' An evil grin appeared on his smug face. 'Can I come in?'

'No.' Jessie said sternly, shutting the door on his foot as he attempted to enter.

'Ah, come on girls! I just want to see your mum!'

We stared at him with blank expressions.

'Oh, where's your dad these days, huh?'

'Oh, you know, just in his grave.' Jessie said, trying to make it sound as casual as possible.

'Oh, I see. I just want to see your mum. I saw her profile on this dating site, you see.'

'Right.' I said as me and Jessie shared sour looks. 'Mum's busy at the moment. Come back sometime next week, in the evening. Not tomorrow though.' I jumped in.

'Alright.' He said finally, slowly walking away.'

'Oh my Gosh, what are we going to do?!' Jessie exclaimed as I shut the door.

'How do I know?! It was your idea!' I said spitefully.

Jessie s face dropped into an uneasy frown. '' She stammered as tears started rolling down her face.

I couldn't bare to see her sad, so I shuffled towards her and gave her an awkward hug. 'Maybe we should be patient.' I said in a comforting voice. 'How nany days have we got left?' 

'Fifteen.' She whispered. 

'FIFTEEN?!' I shouted.

Her face dropped again.

'Okay, okay.' I sighed as she walked upstairs.

'You sure?' She stopped and muttered.

'Yes.' I reassured.

Fifteen days? I thought. Fifteen days for my simple Christmas wish.

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