Chapter two.

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After six and a half gruelling hours, the school day was over. I went over to the bench where I usually wait for Jessie and Phoenix and once they arrived, we made the same journey all the way back home.

'How was school for you then?' I asked.

'Alright, I guess.' They both replied.

By the time we got home, it was already getting dark, even though it was only four thirty in the afternoon. I unlocked the flimsy front door and ushered them both in. 'D'you think she's awake?' I whispered, pointing upwards towards mum's bedroom. 'I don't know, go check.' Jessie replied, dropping her bag on the floor and making her way into the living room, followed by Phoenix.

I stood there is silence until I heard the bed creaking upstairs, indicating that she was, in fact, awake. 'Ughhh.' I muttered, while sighing. I trudged my way into the kitchen, past Jessie and Phoenix who were lounging about on the sofa, to make mum her cup of tea. Once it was done, I re-traced my steps back through the living rooom, back past Jessie and Phoenix and made my way to her bedroom. I knocked politely on the grey door and heard the usual 'grunt' of mum telling me that it was okay to come in. 'Hi, here you go.' I whispered, handing her the warm mug of tea. She attempted a smile, widening her cracked lips, bearing her yellow teeth that were destroyed by years of smoking. I smiled back and I walked out, shutting the door carefully behind me as I got that usual pain in my stomach. I'm not sure what it means, but it only ever occurs after seeing mum. I think it's my way of dealing with her pain.

Once I got back downstairs I saw Phoenix and Jessie giggling to themselves over the television.

As I quietly sat down, they both stopped and glanced a me. I stretched my mouth into the only smile I could manage, but Phoenix knew I wasn't okay.

After three hours of watching endless cheesy comedies on the television, I looked up to the clock and to my surprise it was seven pm already. 'Oh, Gosh, Phoenix! You were supposed to be home an hour ago!' I said, wiggling away from him.

'Ah well.' He said as he resumed his previous postion, head poised directly at the screen.

'I bet your mum's going mad!' I replied in a I'm-trying-to-sound-serious-but-also-jokey type of voice, I hate being so serious towards him. 'Check your phone!'

'Alright, alright.' He said whilst retrieving his mobile phone from his trouser pocket. 'Five missed calls. Oh.' He quickly got up and made his way towards the door.

'Bye.' Called Jessie, barely taking her eyes off the screen.

As I went into the hallway to show him out, he looked me straight into the eyes and whispered 'Don't worry, alright?' His eyes travelled towards my arm, near my rist and frowned.

'I'm fine, you're the one that shouldn't worry!' I whispered, trying to stop my voice from sounding fake.

'Alright.' He replied while opening the door and waving goodbye. Once he was out of view, I shut the door carefully, trying not to wake up mum and went back into the living room.

Jessie's eyes momentarily released themselves from their gaze upon the television and surveyed the room until pouncing unwillingly upon me. I knew what was coming next.

'You and Phoenix are so sweet together, you so date each other.' She muttered with a cheeky grin on her face.

'Shut up.' I replied sternly, trying not to look at her.

Truth is, I do sometimes wish me and Phoenix could date. He's just so kind and sweet, but I just can't conjure up the nerve to tell him that.

I quickly walked straight past Jessie and entered the kitchen again. 'What do you want for dinner?' I called.

'Um....Beans on toast.' She replied.

She must have known she'd annoyed me. Beans on toast is the easiest thing to make. It's hardly even a meal.

Once we'd ate, our focus went back to the television screen. I wasn't even watching it, just daydreaming, like usual, so I said goodnight to Jessie, who wanted to carry on watching her programme, and walked upstairs. We both knew I wasn't going to sleep, just lay in bed and stare at my phone all night.

As I laid there, I soon heard Jessie creeping up the stairs, making her way to her bedroom. I quickly shoved my phone under the covers and shut my sore eyes, so she wouldn't bother me. As soon as I knew she wasn't near me, I opened my eyes and retrieved my phone and continued to stare at it. My mind was only thinking about one thing, my Simple Christmas Wish.

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