Introduction (Discipline)

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No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.
Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
(Hebrews 12:11)

The time of discipline is not the time of joy.
There lies the biggest problem of discipline. It causes feelings of sadness, depression and procrastination, so the majority reject it.
For the intelligent man however, this means OPPORTUNITIES - and, since most do not like discipline, plenty more remains for the few who love to benefit from it. If you love discipline, you will be bound for success.

He who despise discipline has surrendered to his feelings. He is emotional and all emotion is weak.

Now he who loves discipline, does not care about the temporary sadness that it produces. Instead he focuses on the collection of what is good and fair for those who were trained by it.
This is what you need to focus on; discipline applied will make you inevitably arrive at success.
And this happens even for the sake of justice.
You are subjected to the rigors of discipline. Therefore it is fitting that you have results better than those who rejected it.
Save this:

Discipline is consistently doing what you do not want,
to have what you want.

You will feel discouraged.
You will hear a voice saying,
"Leave it for later, right now you can't, you don't have time to do that." And even if you manage to overcome this voice and discouragement for the activity that requires discipline, you will feel sadness.


Do what you know must be done. Focus on the joy of what you will harvest.
Imagine how your life will be when your discipline brings you the results.
Burn this image into your mind.

This year could be the best year of your life, if you accept being trained by discipline.

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