Why can't I do what I want?

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You want to lose weight but cannot. Want to keep a physical training schedule but cannot.
Want to be more organized but cannot.
Want to be bolder but cannot.
You want to wake up early but cannot.
Want to improve your skills but cannot.
Why do we want so many things and did not get?

For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.
(Galatians 5:17)

Human nature, flesh impulses, instinct, desire - are terms that try to define one of the greatest problems of man: the wishes of your body and your soul.

Man consists of body, soul and spirit. Each is equipped with a want to be its own. And the will of each can conflict.
A typical example of the three conflicts: late at night, you watch a movie on TV, lying in bed. Your eyes begin to close but you fight to stay awake.

Your body wants to sleep. Your soul wants to finish watching the movie.
And your spirit wants you to turn off the TV and pray before bed - in addition you already have been warned that watching a movie at that time you would have trouble waking up early in the morning..

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