12 || All Truth Out

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All Truth Out

     A day have passed since the incident with Ms. Blake that got Violet to where she is now. Laying on her bed, fighting for every breath, probably tired of fighting and asking herself if the fight is really worth it.

     I'm afraid she would think its not but we can't blame her. She lost her parents, turned into a werewolf in order to protect us, learned that Andrew wasn't her true father but Peter was. She has reasons to not want to keep fighting, reasons I don't want her to realise.

     Beside my dad she's the only thing I have left, loosing her will kill me. If she dies not only will she affect my life but the lives of the ones surrounding her. Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Derek, Isaac.

     As much as both of them want to deny it, I'm positive that they cannot live without each other. Just staring at Isaac who is sitting beside her bed proof me right.

     He's just sitting there, deadly serious, staring at an unconscious Violet with a single tear in his eye. Once in a while he stands up and takes some of Violet's pain away but we know it won't wake her up.

     He's just doing it to make her feel better, for her not to be in so much pain. After the whole fight against Gerard where we hide to side with him, they both stopped talking for obvious reason but I know Violet never stopped feeling something for Isaac and vice versa.

     The guys came for a few hours except for Scott and Isaac have stayed with us this whole time.

     Isaac entered the room and sat beside her updating her on our current situation as if she was awake. He talked to her all night last night and fell asleep of the chair waking up today to the same rutine.

     Unfortunately not knowing what else to do Scott agreed to join Deucalion's pack, now he's just missing Derek and Violet. From what we've been told Deucalion knows that Violet is injured and has a plan.

     We still don't know if the plan has to be with attacking us or taking Violet, maybe even both of them but we are trying to be prepared at all times. All I know is that we're all praying for Violet to just wake up and stay with us.


     The pain was unbearable. My body felt like being bludgeon a thousand times. My bones felt like they were shattered to pieces which they were and I probably didn't help when ripping off the casts.

     My head throbbed to my every pulse and it felt with so much pressure that it might in any minute explode. Every once in a while that pain would slightly go away, not completely but it would significantly get better which I knew had to be either Scott, Isaac or Derek.

     All this time I've been awake but my body is mentally and physically so damaged and dejected I couldn't do something as simple as opening my eyes which to be honest was really frustrating.

     In my not so desired free time all my mind could was go over all the truth Deucalion told me.

     "You never wondered why were you stronger than the rest of the hunters? Why you could hear some things they couldn't? How somehow your breath always hitched when looking at the full moon? It was the wolf, Violet. The wolf was calling out for you"

The Snow Wolf ▷ Isaac Lahey [2]Where stories live. Discover now