06 || Motel California

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Motel California
Violet's POV:)

It was night and we arrived at a motel called Glen Capri, we stepped out of the bus and looked at the not so good looking motel in front of us with probably 25 rooms from where I was looking at "I've seen worse" Scott said "Where have you seen worse??" Stiles asked.

The coach blew his whistle and began to talk "Listen up, the meet was postpone for tomorrow, this is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least on good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves, you're going to be pairing up, choose wise" the coach said showing us the keys.

Isaac stood beside me smiling deviously "What??" I asked "Want to go with me??" He asked "I prefer to go with Jared" I said and walked to Allison and Lydia "You are going with us" Lydia said taking the key from the coach's hand "And I'll have no sexual perversions perpetrated about you little deviants got that?! Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves" the coach shouted.

Allison and I started walking while Lydia stood behind us looking at the motel "Lydia??" I asked "I don't like this place" she said "I don't think that the people who own this place like this place" Allison said looking around "It's just for a night" I said "A lot can happen in one night" she said.

The three of us walked into our room and I placed my bag in the bed and took my guns out to clean them "Seriously you brought that here??" Lydia asked "Have you seen the life we have?? Just having claws doesn't help when you're dealing with a pack of Alphas or a Darach that's making human sacrifices" I said and left the guns in the bed.

The place was getting very hot and I could feel my forehead starting to sweat "Don't you feel hot??" I said taking off my jacket "Its actually chilly" Lydia said "Violet are you feeling ok??" Allison asked walking closer but I backed away "Yeah I'm fine, I- I just need some fresh air" I said walking out of the room.

There were this voices in my head, I couldn't quite understand what they were saying, they all talked at the same time making it hard for me to understand. Everything started to spin so I hold myself from the wall Isaac one of the voices said Go with Isaac other one said Look for him other said Isaac, Isaac, Isaac all of them repeated at the same time Isaac.

Stiles' POV:)

I was in the room with Scott talking about the suspects "Alright so I have four" I said lying on the bed "Four?? You have four suspects??" Scott asked looking at me "Yeah, they used to be ten, well nine technically I guess I had Derek on there twice" I said "So who's number one Harris??" Scott asked.

I continue looking at the ceiling and nodded to myself "Just cause he's missing doesn't mean he's dead" I said "So if he's not dead our chemistry teacher is out secretly committing human sacrifices" Scott explained "Yeah I guess it sounded way better in my head I said looking from Scott back to the ceiling.

I was going to tell Scott my next suspect but speak before I did "What if its someone else from school?? Remember Matt?? We didn't know that he was killing people" he said and I looked at him surprised "Excuse me?? I'm sorry what??" I said standing from the bed "Yes we did, I call that from day one actually" I said.

Scott you're making feel so offended right now, we didn't knew he was killing?? I knew all the time! But no one listen, you see?? That why you have to listen to me! I'm always right! Well most of the times "Yeah but we never really seriously thought that it was Matt" Scott said.

Seriously?? Didn't you listen all the times I told you?! "I was serious, I was quiet serious actually deadly serious but no one listen to me" I said "Who were the other three??" Scott asked "Derek's sister Cora. No one knows anything about her and she's Derek's sister, next your boss" I said.

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