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---::--- DON'T WATCH YET ---::---

Alexander's POV
Before my new friends could get that far, I yelled after them. "WAIT GUYS!" I jogged to catch up to them. "Look I didn't mean to punch John! He's to cute.." I whispered the last part.

"You better follow us. Or you won't know where your new home is." Both roommates looked back at me and smiled.

After walking for twenty minutes in the summer sun, we got to an apartment building. Herc pulled out some keys from his back pocket and opened the door. Lafayette proceeded to drag me up a few flights of stairs, and to a door labeled 51.

"Here we are!" They announced and took a key from their boyfriend. The door swung open and I walked in. It was very homey.

"I like this place." I smiled. Lafayette immediately turned serious.

"You must apologize to Laurens, mon ami.."

"Can I get his number?" Both smiled.

Jefferson's POV

I sat in the waiting room.. Well... Waiting. And planning the demise of Hamilton. After what felt like forever, John came out following a doctor. I stood smiling.

"Well it looks like he only broke his nose. Just make sure he ices it and when it starts to become painful, take some Ibuprofen. It should be healed in two weeks or less. Be careful, Mr. Laurens" the doctor said then walked away.

"Feeling any better, kid?" I smirked at the nickname I gave him a long long time ago.

"A little.." He sighed.

I stuck my elbow out for him to take. He looped his arm in mine and I took him to the car.

----------. ----------
2 weeks later..
Now that John's nose was healed, he was resting easily. He also keeps taking naps.. Poor kid.

I took his phone and looked at the lock screen.

[27 missed calls from Laffy de Taffy 🍟]
[48 missed calls from Horsefucker 🐴]
[51 missed calls from (212)-382-5968]

My eyes narrowed at the unknown number. I grabbed John's charger and plugged in his phone while he rested. Instead of being lazy, I decided to get some housework done. After two hours, I heard the bedroom door creak open and John shuffled into the living room.

"Afternoon, sleeping beauty." I smiled seeing the younger boy's bed head.

"Heeyy" He said, rubbing his eyes. He grabbed the hair tie that rested around his wrist and tied his hair back. "I wanna watch a movie.."

The first thought that came to mind was our favorite movie. "RENT?" I asked smirking.

His eyes widened and he started to jump up and down. "I'll get the popcorn!"

Lafayette's POV
Due to the fact that Alexander was so nervous about John hating him, he convinced Mulligan and I to take him to John's house. The entire walk there he was repeating random phrases he may say to John. I kicked an empty can as we walked. I looked up when I heard coughing. Monsieur Madison?

"James?" I asked the figure. Sure enough, it was Madison.

"Marquis de Lafayette?" He replied. I was shocked that he used one (of my many) names. He emerged from the shadows. That sounds so mysterious!

"Hey, Jefferson's bitch" I smacked Herc's arm.

"Don't be rude!" I yell as Madison slowly grows red. Alex just watched awkwardly.

"Speaking of Thomas.. Have you seen him?"

All three of us shook our heads and James' shoulders slumped.

"Well we're looking for our friend.. Care to join?" Mulligan looked at me like I just invited Hitler to our little search party. Despite the look, James just nodded. Hercules rolled his eyes.

"C'mon his house is up there.."

As we kept walking, I quickly introduced Alex and James. "James. Alex. Alex. James." I ran up to John's front door, fumbling with the keys.

John's POV
Our favorite part was coming up. Tango: Maureen. Thomas and I loved it so much that I learned the choreography for Joanne and he learned it for Mark. We are dedicated not obsessed.

Right before it started I grabbed the remote and paused it. I started to push the coffee table out of my way.

"What is you doing?" Jefferson questioned.

"Getting heals" and with that I ran upstairs.


I grabbed my favorite pair of heals that momma's got. She loves shoes.


I ran back downstairs, shoes in hand. When I got to the bottom, I took off my socks, and slipped the heals on. I'm so much taller now.. Hehe.

"YYYEEEEESSSSS!!" Jefferson yelled seeing my heals. I unpaused the TV.

---::--- PLAY ---::---

"Has she ever poured her lip and called you "pookie"" We both contained our laughter at the part.


I heard the door opened but didn't care. Still didn't care when I heard footsteps coming towards the room.

"She cheated!" I sang.

"She cheated.." Jefferson replied. I saw my friends out of the corner of my eye.

"Maureen cheated!"

"Fuckin' cheated!"

"I'm defeated! I should give up right now!" I belted. Perfectly I might add.

--few seconds later--

"My Maureen" I sighed. We took a step away from each other.

"The Tango: Maureen.." We sang in unison and burst out laughing. I turned and waved at everyone.

"Heya!" Jefferson smiled. Alex's nose twitched and he ran out of the room. Weird.

"Wanna join us?" I asked, walking to the kitchen to make more popcorn.

"Sure!" They laughed. Alex groggily walked back in.

"I'm sitting next to Laurens." He smirked and I blushed.

We all plopped down on the couch to continue watching Rent.



WHOA, M8 (Lams AU)(DISCONTINUED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt