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For three consecutive nights, Mika woke up screaming in terror at constant harassing nightmares of her ex-finding her. Sometimes I'd find her crying, no doubt over her stillborn son. She often curls up on the couch in deathly silence biting and twisting at her fingernails as she stares blankly out the window. Now all she focuses on is training her body which I am much obliged to undertake. I haven't told her about my run in with Jett, it's not the right time. Mika's attacks have gotten more aggressive, punches, more direct. She plans to hurt whatever target that stands in her way. She's so focused that she forgets to expect the unexpected. I catch her in a rear chokehold and feel her body stiffen.

"What do you do now Mika?"

"Don't panic."

"And?" She turns her chin into the crook of my choking arm, raises her shoulders and bears down with her chin to relieve some of the pressure while biting into my forearm. "Good." I compliment as I release her. "How'd that feel?"

"I swear I felt like panicking. I didn't see it coming."

"I know, that's exactly why I caught you off guard. You have to be ready for anything."

She nods and calms her breathing. "I get it. But I'm going crazy inside this cabin. I need to get out for a while."

"Are you sure about this?"

"I am. I need to breathe. Besides, I need some personal items from the store."

"Alright then."

Grabbing a charcoal hoodie, I throw it over my head and pull it down over my body. My scuffed boots are at the door and I slip in and sink down in them. "I'm ready." Thanatos flips the hood over my head as we leave. It has been a little over three weeks since I've reintroduced myself to the outside world. It felt strange but the landscape with breath-taking. There was nothing snow had not covered. It was like looking at a winter postcard in real time. A part of me was afraid to leave the comfort and safety of the cabin, but I've grown tired of fear lingering in my heart. If Jett was going to kill me, so be it, but I won't be giving him an easy time.

"He almost found me."


"Yeah. When I was in the hospital, a nurse got a hold of my records. Jett's name was an emergency contact. When the nurse came back to check on me, she told me she called and informed him of my whereabouts. I was scared to death. I dressed and snuck out of there as fast as I could. I left my baby behind. I couldn't even give him a proper burial."

"It's not your fault."

"I know. I just didn't want to abandon him like that." The rest of the drive was silent until we pulled into a parking spot at a grocery store. As I go to open the door, Thanatos reaches for his and I stop him in his tracks. "I can go by myself."


"Everything will be fine. I'll be in and out in less than ten minutes."

"Fine, but I'll be keeping an eye out for anyone who looks like they're not from here," I smile and place a quick kiss on his lips and step out of the truck, down onto the broken ice. Shoving my hands in my pockets, I shake my head at my spontaneous half-baked action. If I keep this up, I'll be naked under him in no time. The thought sent a shiver down my spine and heated my cheeks. Entering the store, I was welcomed by a senior greeter, I nod and smile in return. Immediately, hunting down the herbal aisle, I scanned the shelf for chocolate mint tea. I suddenly developed a craving while cooped up in the cabin.

I grab a box of tampons, a stick of antiperspirant and an overpriced pint of Magnum Chocolate and Raspberry ice cream and head to the front of the store. At checkout, I place my items on the conveyor belt an earn a confused expression from a male cashier who couldn't be any older than seventeen.

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