Chapter 1

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I was sitting in math class like any other normal day, doodling in my notebook. This is the worst class out of all of them, who cares what the square of pie is? No one, like I thought. I don't know what I want to be yet but I'm sure it won't involve having to find the formula of a triangle or some shit.

"Mr. di Angelo, since you love math so much-" Mrs. Thatcher glared, "why don't you work the equation out on the bored for us?" Everyone had turned to look at me by now, even Percy. Sighing I stand up and walk to the front of the room, quickly doing the problem and sitting down. I hate that teachers guts. She's always trying to give me detention for stupid reasons, and all because I accidently ruined her marriage. Teachers these days.

"Correct" Mrs. Thatcher said, clearly not liking that she didn't embarrass me in front of everyone. What? I don't like math, I never said I wasn't good at it. Give me a book and I'll gladly read it without a problem, which is why I spend most of my time in the library. Despite that fact no one thinks I'm a nerd, they think I'm a freak.

All because I'm pale and wear black and look like I'm dead. It probably doesn't help that people started saying that I was the one who almost killed Tom Harper during freshman year because he was spreading rumors about my step- sister Hazel. I wanted to get out of this class. It kills me.

When the bell rung I grabbed all of my stuff and threw it into my bag, lunch time, finally. I can now go complain to my only friend since Elementary school, Will Solace about my life. When I walk into the cafeteria I see him sitting at our normal table by the window, the sun hitting his blonde hair. We're total opposites but he's still my best friend. When I get to our table I throw my bag into an empty chair and sit down.

"Hey Will, what's for lunch?" I look at his plate an see whats supposed to be a hamburger. They call this food? "Never mind" He picks up a fry and throws it at me. Really?

"What are you, three?" He shrugs and throws another fry at me.

"Maybe." I roll my eyes and go to get a drink when I see Percy Jackson and his group of friends sitting at their normal table. I quickly look away, "he's here" Will points out.

I glance back over at his table and see him already looking at me. When I hear Will laugh I slap his arm, "not funny.."

"You're going to have to tell him eventually, you know that right?" I nod. I know, I will and I don't want to admit it. What if he thinks I'm a freak and anytime he's showed me kindness was just out of pity? Does he think I'm a freak also? What if he laughs in my face when I tell him? "Hey stop worrying okay? He doesn't hate you and isn't gonna laugh at you" I look at Will. How did he hear me? Did I say that out loud?

"Yes, yes you did" Wills says finishing his 'food'.

"And, you sound pathetic." He laughs and stands up, "I'll see you later okay? I have to work on a project with Mark." Nodding, he leaves me sitting a lone at a table. Now that Will was gone I had to sit alone and I didn't want to think about the packed room. My next class, and luckily, last class of the day was study hall. I would ditch it but I had nothing better to do at home, so I might as well just stay and get done with what homework I can.


When the bell for next period rang I stood and walked across the school to the study 'room'. It really was just an old classroom that they didn't need so they made it a place for study hall. Walking past a group of goth kids, I find a table at the back and sit down, putting in my earbuds and playing some Twenty One Pilots. Back before everyone ignored me, I had many people ask me why I didn't 'hang out with my kind'. Even though they were annoying I still answered them honestly, I'm not emo or goth. I just wear a lot of black.

About fifteen minutes later I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around, about to glare at whoever was bothering me when I saw who it was. Percy Jackson.

I clear my throat so my voice doesn't come out squeaky or high pitched before speaking, "What?" 

"Can I sit here?" He points to the seat next to me, I look around and see plenty of empty seats. I want him to sit there I really do but I know I'm going to say something wrong and he'll start ignoring me like most people. I don't want that to happen.

"Why don't you sit with your friends?" I ask and he looks, sad? No, that can't be true, could it?

"Yea- uh, I'll just go sit with them.." He starts to walk off when I sigh.

"Fine." He turns to look at me and smiles brightly, then he walks back over and sits down.

"Thanks" He says, pulling out a binder and a pen to work

Percy doesn't seem to notice the awkward atmosphere which is a good thing, because knowing him he'd bring it up and make it way more awkward. After half an hour of sitting next to Percy and not talking, I finally finish my math homework and lean down the put the folder up and grab my science journal. When I sit back up I see Percy looking at me.

Don't blush, don't blush. What am I kidding? I'm probably as red as a tomato.

"What?" I say trying to sound harsh but instead it came out as a squeak which made Percy laugh and me blush harder.

I scowl at the tan boy beside me, but seeing the smile on his lips causes me to smile too. Barely noticeable.

"I was just looking at the guy I liked" Percy says casually, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. 

Does he mean me? Not possible, he's straight. At my silence, Percy's expression goes from joking to serious.

 "I do like you. You're hot, and even though we don't talk often I know you are a good person. I want to change and get to know the real you, quirks and everything." He smiles and grabs my hand, leaving me too shocked to pull it back.

"So, Nico di Angelo, will you be my boyfriend?

After the words sink and I understand he's just asked me out, I squeeze his hand lightly and nod my head, "Yes."

Okay so I hope you'll all enjoy this new story, I got the idea after a friend sent me a song and said 'Listen to this and imagine Nico singing to Percy'. It was too perfect and matched so well.

Enjoy ^.^


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