Chapter 4

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Ever since that question, Percy made small gestures to show Nico he cared. When they walked down the street, Percy would hold Nico's hand. While watching TV in nothing but their boxers, he'd rub circles into the shorter boys back, or lay his hand on his lower thigh.
Nico appreciated the gestures, they eased his conscious when 'it' tried to tell him differently. Percy started noticing how Nico would seem lost in thought for a moment, before he'd snap back to reality. He didn't think to much about it, passing it off as Nico simply having a lot on his mind.
The couple went about their daily business of work, go out to eat and then getting comfortable in bed or on the couch with a nice movie. Outside the apartment building though, the air grew colder with each day and the skies stayed cloudy. What came with cold weather? Coffee, hot chocolate, anything warm to drink when the weather was the opposite. Percy loved going to the shop down the road for drinks. That was why the two boys were walking down the street, there weren't to many people out and for that Nico was grateful.
He didn't like crowds to begin with, but lately crowds only made his doubt grow. The doubt that Percy actually chose him out of everyone he could have chosen. The little things the sea green eyed male did made it easier, even though he didn't know it did.

When the two reached their destination, Percy held the door and let Nico walk in first. The smell of coffee hit Nico and he inhaled deeply, he'd be lying if he said that he didn't like the daily trips to the small shop every day. Nico made way to an empty table while Percy went to order their normal drinks.
When Percy came back carrying two hot cups of coffee, Nico smiled to himself. He was smiled because he wanted his drink, and because for a moment- he forgot about his worrying over Percy. He still didn't remember as the tan boy sat across from him, taking a sip of whatever he had gotten.
Nico smiled because he felt oblivious to the worrying voice in the back of his head.

Weeks passed and all was well. Percy had grown used to Nico's spacing out, he didn't think that much about it.
They were running low on groceries so Nico had gotten dressed and gabbed his wallet. He kissed Percy quickly before leaving.
Percy continued to watch TV when his phone range. He picked it up without checking to see who was calling.

"Hello?" He asked, using the remote to turn the volume down.

"Hey Percy, it's Annabeth!" I hear her say, and I smile.

Annabeth and I were best friends in highschool. But sadly after graduation, she moved away and I haven't heard from her since, until today.

"Annabeth? It's been like, forever!" He laughs a little

"Yea sorry about that, just busy I guess. But I'm back in town and wanted to know if you wanted to catch up?" She asked hopefully.

Percy thought, he knew Nico wouldn't mind if Percy hung out with Annabeth for awhile, "Sure, where do you want to meet?" I ask

She thinks for a minute, "Let's meet at the park that's about two miles from our old school, sound good?" She ask.

The sea green eyed boy nods, then remembers she can't see him, "Yea, see ya in about twenty?"

"See ya!" Annabeth chirps and hangs up.

Percy goes to the door and slides on his shoes, slides on his jacket and leaves, locking the door behind him. He pulls his phone from his pocket as he walks down the stairs to text Nico.

'Hey Neeks! I'm going to the park by the school to hang out with Annabeth since she's back in town! See ya when I get home X'

He types out the message and hits send, while hopping into the drivers seat of his car. Percy pulls out of the parking lot and starts driving to the park.

Meanwhile at the store, Nico hears his phone ring and unlocks the screen, reading the message.

Annabeth. Everyone knew she's liked Percy since freshman year. Except Percy, who was super oblivious.
With that in mind, the Italian couldn't keep the voice quiet in his head.

He doesn't love you.
He'll choose her over you.

This took way longer than should have to update. I feel bad, but here's an update anyway! Second longest chapter yet!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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