Chapter 3

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It was a colder day in New York City.
Nico shoved his hands into his pockets and continued to walk down the street, he had just gotten off of work and was heading back to the small apartment he and Percy lived in.

He pushed the doors of the lobby open and walked past the way too happy girl at the desk, and went up the stairs to their place.

When he finally got the door open he stepped in shutting it behind him, "I'm home"

Shrugging off his jacket and shoes he walked into their small room to find it empty.

That's when he heard the sound of running water and knew Percy was in the shower. Sighing he grabs some more comfortable clothes and changes, deciding to shower later.

He pulled out his phone and played on that until Percy walked out, one towl hanging loosely on his hips and another in his hands drying his hair.

When the sea green eyed boy notices his boyfriend he smiles, "When did you get home?"

"I haven't been home long," Nico's eyes follow Percy's movement and he eyes the taller boy.

Percy was tan, despite the lack of sun over the last few months, and pretty well built.

After getting into clothes Percy walks over and sits next to the pale boy, placing a kiss on top of his mop of hair.

Nico smiles and leans into Percy, inhaling his scent. It was times like this when the shorter boy questioned why Percy stayed with him.

He was so, confident, while Nico wasn't. But he was glad Percy chose him over all the men and women who liked him.

Every now and then out in public someone would flirt with Percy, him being as oblivious as he is, doesn't notice.

Nico doesn't let it get to him, but there's still that little voice at the back of his head telling him something different.

Something he doesn't want to hear.


"Hm?" He hums in reply, looking down at Nico.

"Why do you love me?"

Percy turns Nico to face him, placing his hands on his boyfriends bony shoulders.

"Why do I love you? Because you get me like no one does, you know my fears and what makes me happy. My day gets better the minute I see you. I love waking up to your beautiful face everyday knowing that your mine, and I'm yours. Nothing will change that"

Nico blushes and leans up, kissing Percy softly. He then rest his forehead against his boyfriends and smiles,

"I love you Percy"

"I love you too Nico"


I am so sorry it took me forever to update >.<

It's short, but I hope you guys like it ^.^


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