Chapter 15

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(So I haven't figured out any specifics for chapters after this one, I just have a few plot points to get to and an idea for the ending. What do people think of me bringing in Suzuno being aro/ace? (That's aromantic and asexual) Tbh, I'll probably still use it just cuz I have an idea for a scene and I love my ace headcanons a lot... ANYWAY, I need to plan out the rest of the story over the next week but let's get on with this week's chapter~ This chapter contains FRIENDSHIP and A CUTE SHY LUCI)

It was partially out of sincere concern for the girl that Suzuno accompanied Momoko back home, but also partially to be sure that she didn't turn back to Sariel or find some other way to break her promise. The walk there was quiet and, to Momoko, uncomfortably awkward. Suzuno, however, was content to stay silent. She had nothing more to say after their conversation and besides, Momoko may need time to herself to gather her thoughts. She expected that was the case, at least.

She was right that Momoko was thinking about their talk. She wasn't right to leave her alone with her thoughts. As she walked, Momoko fidgeted with her wristband over and over. Was she really doing the right thing? She didn't know Urushihara as well as she had thought. He had kept something huge from her and clearly had some kind of a bad reputation back on whatever world he had come from. On the other hand, though, she knew this... Sariel guy even less. And he was kinda creepy, she had to admit. Maybe, she mused, the safest option was to just stick with Suzuno. She glanced uneasily at the young women beside her. She knew practically nothing about her, only that she was somehow connected to the both of them. Her gaze lingered for a few seconds before Suzuno looked at her curiously and their eyes met. Starting to blush, Momoko turned away sharply.

Suzuno thought nothing of it and shrugged, calmly turning her eyes forward again.

It was strange to think how everything had seemed perfectly normal that morning. Of course, Momoko knew there was something up with Urushihara, but she could never have expected he would turn out to be a demon. She kept wondering if she would wake up in the morning to find that the whole thing was an anxiety-induced dream brought on by worrying so excessively about him.

She continued on in a daze, soon forgetting Suzuno was even there.

She still didn't know who he really was, or who any of these other people were, or where they all came from. And what about Shizuka? He had been with Urushihara when he appeared outside SFC, hadn't he?  If he was with them, they had to be safe, right...? Then again, these were demons. She should remain cautious. They could've put him under a spell, brainwashed him, anything. She twisted her wristband again. It was almost rubbing her skin raw today.

The sun was beginning to set as they made their way through Shibuya, still not speaking. Momoko barely noticed it. Suzuno may have commented on how it was getting dark, but she wasn't listening. Although she did occasionally look up at her, wondering who - and what - exactly this woman really was, Momoko had lost touch with the world around her. Her feet carried her along the familiar route automatically and Suzuno followed beside her without a word.

It wasn't much later that she was awoken from her stupor by a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Will you be ok?"


She blinked in surprise and looked up to see that she had come to a halt outside her own house and not even noticed. She pressed a hand to her head for a second then turned to face Suzuno, who was stood behind her, frowning. In an instant, Momoko was blushing again. She bowed, maybe a little too deeply for just being walked home, and words began tumbling from her mouth as she struggled to calm herself.

"Oh! Yeah, I'll be fine, don't worry! Thank you so much for talking to me...! A-and I'm sorry I was so rude the whole way here, I didn't say anything to you at all..."

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