Chapter 6

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(Sorry this is slightly late, my internet was going off and on all day yesterday and when it finally came back on I was way too sleepy to focus on writing... Btw, I'm considering making a start on that other one-shot collection idea MichaelisHearts gave me, so that might be coming within the next few weeks(?) Anyway, let's get down to it~ This chapter turned out longer than I expected)

Despite their conflicting opinions on the matter, both Maou and Emi had told him to think about it. Urushihara didn't want to think about it. He had made his decision.

Hadn't he...?

Even so, not thinking about it was proving to be easier said than done.

While he may not have cared about lying to Emi or Chiho, something about lying to Suzuno, right to her face, like that just didn't feel right. But when she had asked about those hard-to-explain situations, he couldn't bring himself to admit it. They were on good terms now, sure, but they still weren't quite friends. Urushihara was far more concerned about what his real friends would think of him. Still, she did have a point; he'd given them plenty of reasons to be suspicious of him already. And although he hated to side with Emi in any way, it was true their obliviousness could be a problem.

If they knew the truth, they would understand why he was so protective of them, and of himself. They would understand why he needed to keep a low profile. They would understand why he was even in his situation.

On the other hand, Maou was right in waiting. He and the others hadn't even met Shizuka or Momoko, they couldn't risk letting them into their little circle when they had no idea what sort of people they were dealing with. Most importantly, they had to be sure they could trust Shizuka and Momoko with their secret. And that Shizuka and Momoko could trust them.

Trust was a funny thing, as Urushihara saw it. Momoko was almost too trusting sometimes. She was the type to always give a person the benefit of the doubt, whether she knew them well or not. But whether or not that was a good thing always depended entirely on the circumstances. Then there was Shizuka, who wasn't quite so trusting, but his perceptiveness and observant nature more than made up for it. He questioned things that Momoko readily accepted. He might not instantly believe whatever was thrown at him, but he was thoughtful and cautious. At least, that's the way he seemed.

But what would all that mean for Urushihara? It was still too hard to tell and he couldn't help but feel anxious. With how much he was worrying about this, it was totally possible that he'd blurt it out the next time he saw them without thinking. He tried to push it out of his mind for now. They had, after all, told him to think about it. That meant he had time.

A little nervously, he opened Tumblr and immediately flinched at the sight of a message notification. He had quite a few other followers but besides Shizuka and Momoko, not many of them sent him messages out of nowhere.


It was Shizuka. Of course. But as he read it, he felt himself relax.

Hey sorry but I won't be able to make it to Tokyo for a while, got exams coming up. Gotta study ¬.¬

That would give him some extra time to work things out, then. But soon after he responded, Momoko appeared in his IMs.

You heard from Shi'ka?

Was she going to say the same thing? Hopefully.

Bout exams? Yea why?

You wanna meet up without him? Idk if he'd feel left out...

So much for hope.

Don't you have exams too?

Well ya but like

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