Chapter 20

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(Ahh, here we are, at the end of Misfit Together, AKA the HaMoShi fic. Remember - the last one-shot from Heaven is a Place on Earth still happens after all this! I just want to throw this out there - I found the perfect reference for Shizuka's design! He looks like a brown-haired, hazel-eyed version of Daisuke Hiraoka from the anime Shirobako (which is awesome, btw, go watch it), even down to the glasses and fashion sense. So if you want a better idea of what Shi'ka looks like, google that name ;) Anyway, this may well be the last we'll see of these OCs. I mean, I'll still have them in my head but idk if I'll write about them anymore. Still unsure whether or not I'll write any fic for my demon family AU but it's always possible. I'd recommend going to my Tumblr (which is on my profile) and checking my tags for 'demon family', 'Momoko Hamasaki' and 'Shizuka Kusanagi' cuz I have stuff about them on there~ And if you're into musical theatre, watch out for my Putnam Spelling Bee one-shot collection~ And so, with all that said, it's time to bring this fic to a close... With the longest chapter yet)

It wasn't anything personal. Really, it wasn't.

She had known Urushihara for some time before she learned the truth about him. But she had never once met Maou before. There was nothing to remind her that he was anything other than a monster. Sure, she'd given Urushihara time and she was finally coming around. Their talk might have been stilted and awkward but it was certainly a step in the right direction. This would take even more time to get used to. It had been only a few days since she had visited Villa Rosa and she was still in a daze of sorts. She'd come so far only to be knocked back a couple of steps. She hadn't given up entirely. Oh, no, not now. No way. She just... had to regain her strength.

The sun was only just beginning to set and Momoko was strolling through the quiet streets of Shibuya on her way home, one hand gripping the strap on her backpack. She had met up with a few friends from school, hoping it might distract her from all this madness, but she couldn't help but worry. Her friends noticed, of course. Her usual extravagant dress sense was gone and had been replaced by the plain and simple, almost rushed, look that told them she had something weighing heavily on her mind. And nothing they could say or do cheered her up for long.

The sky was growing darker and soon, she noticed a figure walking towards her. One that seemed eerily familiar.

The weird thing was, Sariel seemed surprised once he recognized her. He hadn't been watching her or looking for her, he was simply on his way home, the same as her. Still, Momoko kept her guard up. He may not have been expecting to bump into her, but she could still hear her friend's words clear in her mind.

"Trust me, he's bad news."

And he really had meant it.

Momoko felt a chill run down her spine as Sariel smiled at her and slowed almost to a stop as they drew closer. What was even weirder was that his smile wasn't quite as sinister or discomforting as she expected from him.

"I saw you with that other boy a week or so ago," he said, "I hope the two of you have followed my advice."

He thought he had driven her away from Urushihara. Frowning, Momoko opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted.

"After all, such a delicate, young beauty shouldn't be risking her safety with a creature like him."

Seeing the flirtatious look he gave her, Momoko grimaced, then had to bite back a smirk at the voice in her head that snidely whispered:

"Good sir, I am, in fact, a lesbian."

Instead, she chose to voice a different thought:

"He isn't a 'creature'..." her nerves were starting to get the best of her but she stood her ground, "And I am not 'delicate'..."

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