Chapter 11

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(I guess we're kinda starting the next... "act" or something of the fic? I have three more chapters fully planned out after this one so I need to continue with planning. One of my classes at uni is over now so I only need to go in on Tuesdays and Fridays, but I still have work to do :/ If I need to, I might take a week or two-long hiatus from writing to focus on uni. Plus, that'll give me time to plan chapters. I'll keep you updated on that. Anyway, let's get back to the story~! This is a short one, btw. Quite a bit shorter than normal)

"This better be important. I have better thi-"

"It is," the urgency in Urushihara's tone made Emi tense up, "Do you remember the people you and Sasaki saw me with? The girl, do you think you could recognise her?"

At the moment when Suzuno entered the apartment, Urushihara was already waiting for Emi to pick up her phone. Under other circumstances, this call would be nothing more than a short relief from boredom but now he had a real reason for calling her.

"Uh... Maybe? What's this about?"

"They found out about me and it didn't go so well," he heard Emi take a breath to speak but cut her off. He didn't have time, "She ran off and we think she could've gone to Sariel. I need to check SFC."

"And why should I?"

Urushihara gritted his teeth.

"Because you're the Hero, aren't you?! Look, she's talked to him before and right now she probably trusts him a lot more than she trusts me. You're supposed to be protecting humans, right? So do your job!"

On the other end of the line, Emi huffed. He was right, she couldn't deny that. And she was already out instead of cooped up at home like Urushihara and, she assumed, the others.

"Alright, fine. But don't expect any more favours from me."

"I won't. Just call me back if you see her... or Sariel."

He ended the call.

Just as he was turning back to join the others, he caught part of their conversation. Specifically, a question from Shizuka:

"So what exactly is the issue with this Sariel guy? Is he another demon or something?"

Urushihara looked up at this to be met with four pairs of eyes looking down at him. One was simply confused, while the other three glared.

"He's come up before and you didn't even explain who he is?"

"Really, Good Hanzo, I'd hoped you were more competent than that, at least."

Urushihara felt his eye twitch.

"I've had a lot on my mind today, alright?"

With a sigh, Suzuno turned to their guest.

"Good Shizuka, let me explain... Sariel was one of the great archangels of Heaven. He came to Earth not long ago in order to retrieve the Hero's holy sword and attempted to slay the Devil and his cohorts himself. In doing so, he put the lives of the Hero, another of our friends and several humans in the city at risk. He betrayed his faith and the people who looked up to him. And after witnessing what he put Emilia and Good Chiho through that night, I highly doubt that your friend will be safe with him, especially knowing that she is close to one of the demons."

Shizuka blinked then looked back to Urushihara, not sure what to say. The room was quiet for a short while. Before anyone could break it and speak, though, Maou's phone rang.

"Hello? ... Emi? Wait, hold on a sec..."

Putting it on speaker, Maou set the phone down on the table between them.

"Have you found her?"

"First off, you're lucky I was near Hatagaya!" which only earned a few eye-rolls and sneers from the three demons, "And second, I think so. I definitely saw Sariel inside. And there's a familiar-looking girl standing near the door. She looks a pretty nervous, too."

Immediately, Urushihara jumped up.

"Is she wearing an orange wristband?"

There was a brief pause.

"Yeah, she is. What was her name again...?"

"That's her. Momoko Hamasaki. Emi, keep her safe. We'll be right there."

"You will be here?  You? Wow, never thou-"

But Urushihara had already hung up.

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