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A hallway appears in front of me. A long, narrow hallway. I start to walk down the corridor and I see 2 doors at the end of the hallway. I reach the end and I hear a voice.

"Up or down?" The voice asks again, "Up or down?"

I look around for the voice but nothing is spotted until I look up. Hands are forming a face.

"Up." I say seriously.

A million hands grab me and hand me to each other in an upward direction. I get thrown into a portal that sends me to hell. I start spiraling down into the pits of fire when I'm suddenly stopped by a force like no other. I land on a portal and Death, himself, is standing in front of me. With his scythe.

He takes off his hood revealing his head. A black skull, with no eyes, ears, or a nose. His rotting teeth show as he speaks to me.

"So you chose up? What a fool's choice." Death says in a raspy voice.

"It's what any other human being would have chosen! Why am I here?!" I say in anger. Starting to figure that I might be lost for eternity down or up here. Wherever I am, I need to get out.

"Hahahahaha," Death evilly laughs. "You will never get out of here, boy! You will stay down here for eternity!"

"No!" I yell. "I will get out of here even if it's the last thing I ever do!" I run at Death and grab his scythe with 2 hands. I turn in upside down and pull. I fly back with the scythe. I wield it with great power and feel the power rush through my veins. I run at him and swing the scythe around in a circle.

Death falls. I walk up to him and put the blade against his skull.

"Any last words?"

I don't wait for an answer. I immediately bring the scythe up and back down on his skull. A portal opens, I drop Death's belonging and leave. Back down the hallway I go. Back to where I came from.

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