A New Avenger

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Everything feels foggy when she wakes up. The air is warm, which confuses her because she's not used to feeling the temperature of the air so acutely but it doesn't really matter. It doesn't smell like disinfectant and instead smells more like freshly laundered sheets. She opens her eyes slowly, groggy and disoriented and realizes that she doesn't hurt. She's sore, sure, but not the sharp-edged agony she's used to. She's lying on a comfortable bed, dressed in comfortable clothes with medical equipment surrounding her. She almost panics but realizes her wrists and ankles are free of restraints and the monitors are not the testing equipment she's accustomed too. No brainwaves on the screen, just her slightly elevated heart rate.

Where is she? There don't seem to be any immediate threat which is completely throwing her off. She's gotten used to waking up and shifting straight into high adrenaline mode. This is some kind of bedroom with a floor to ceiling window in place of the fourth wall. She gazes out and sees a setting sun over a city skyscape. It's really pretty, she thinks lazily. When was the last time she enjoyed a sunset? She can't remember if she ever has. Since there seem to be no immediate threats, she decides to enjoy it. The rays of the dying sun feel warm on her face and arms, and at least for a moment, she feels drowsy and safe. She tilts her head to the sun and closes her eyes.

She may not get to enjoy this for a long time so she stays there until she hears the whisper of the bedroom door open and close gently. Jay opens her mind and is thrilled to find she can read thoughts. She catches the stray thoughts of the person who just entered. She's looking much better today...healthier... Reluctant to leave the sunlight, Jay tilts her head to see who has arrived.

A tall, willowy woman with strawberry blond hair is walking towards her and gives a quick inhalation when she sees Jay's eyes are open. "How are you feeling?" The lady asks Jay. Jay cocks her head, studying her. She's dressed in a neatly tailored white and grey business suit and her hair is held back in a slick ponytail. She has an air of sophistication about her and although her eyes are gentle, Jay can tell that she is a shrewd observer. "Better today?" Jay nods timidly, eyes wary. She knows not to underestimate people and their motives even if this woman looks kind.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you probably have no idea what's going on or who I am," she says, quietly flustered. "I'm Pepper Potts, the CEO of Stark Industries and Tony Stark's unofficial babysitter." Her attempt at a joke has Jay smiling. "Do you need anything? You've had a rather rough time of it from what I've heard from Tony."

Jay shifts so she's sitting up and is surprised that nothing flares in pain. "How long?" she asks.

"How long for what?" Ms. Potts asks, clearly confused. There is a moment were Jay awkwardly tries to answer but Ms. Potts jumps to the right conclusion. "Oh you mean how long you were unconscious for?" Jay notes that this woman may know Tony and the Avengers but she doesn't understand the lingo yet. She's suspicious of her a little but not enough. An agent from Warren Biochemical might be able to act like this but she doubts it since most of them are thugs and would have understood what she meant. Clearly Ms. Potts doesn't know Jay is testing her. Maybe she doesn't know she's telepathic. And she guesses telekinetic since that seems to be a thing too. She'll keep that as close to herself as she can right now.

"Well, it's been roughly a week since you got here, " Ms. Potts says carefully and Jay sighs, knowing that if it's been a week then there was probably more time somewhere as well. Ms. Potts confirms this. "Tony told me they had you in ICU for three days before that." Well, it's not as bad as she thought it would be, all things considered. Ten days out of the loop. She's been out for longer.

She sits up fully against the back of the bed and Ms. Potts helps her to straighten as she finds some sore spots, mostly around her leg where the bullets had been from the deck of the Helicarrier and in her elbow from the....yeah, from that. She doesn't really want to think about that right now. Not so much because it's painful to her but more because she feels okay right now, safe and oddly comforted by having someone else here with her and for once in her life, she wants that to last. Her throat feels raw and parched. She spots a glass of water on the small table next to her bed. She goes to reach for it but the cords wrapped around her arms and inserted in her veins pull her back. Ms. Potts sees her intention and holds the glass of water out to her.

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