Sweet Victory

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"Straw-boy! Silver-chan!" Ivankov yelled in alarm, Jimbei looking at the scene with wide eyes. The Whitebeard crew calling Ace's name in disbelief, while Smoker cursed internally for (Y/N). Three Warlords, old and present, looked quietly at the explosion with narrowed eyes. The Silver Judgement Pirates giving different expressions from surprise, blank, eyes that are slits, and disbelief. Buggy yelling in alarm for Silver Blood as well.

"Ack! If Silver ever finds out that I was here when his daughter got killed, he'll kill me!" Buggy said with a booger hanging out of his nose, also concerned about the kind woman.

"Fire Fist' can't use his powers cause of the seastone cuffs! He's dead!"

"We caught the infamous Silver Blood and rookie Straw Hat as well!" Marines yelled, then spotting shackles coming down from the sky, with no hands connected to them. Confusion began across the lower ranks of the marines as they looked at the shackles.

An explosion with Whitebeard's Jolly Roger appeared from the smoke, as a fire tunnel was made.

"You've always been like this! Luffy!" Ace turned towards you and Luffy as the fire around them didn't burn them as they were falling. Luffy gave a small giggle as Ace continued. "You aren't any better (Y/N)! You idiot! You've never listened," Ace grabbed Luffy's shoulder as you grabbed his arm with a growing grin, while you managed to rescue Mr. 3 emerging from the smoke," ...and always have done crazy things!"

"Good!" Jimbei called, as Hancock said her own word of relief as Whitebeard's crew yelled out Ace's name.

The Silver Judgement pirates brightened as they all laughed. "Like Captain would get killed by something like that!" Jet said with a smirk. Hak following with a hum. "Hell no! She's too badass for that!" Taka interjected. "Wasn't your eyes wide when they fired though?" Zuko commented, making Taka bonk his head for him to shut up. Korra tried to calm Taka down with a sweatdrop as Wes continued to silently shoot more enemies around them.

Smoker released a breath he didn't realize he was holding when he spotted (Y/N) fall with Straw Hat and Fire Fist. 'Of course. Why would a prideful idiot like her die?' He thought as a nostalgic smile tugged his lips.

"Hmph. Arrogant fools." Crocodile insulted the marines as he turned away.

"Fufu~! Like a woman every man is chasing would die so easily." Doflamingo chuckled out as he went back to being entertained with the bright explosions as he sat on top of the many dead bodies.

Mihawk didn't take his eyes away, but was internally thankful that (Y/N) didn't get severely hurt.

"I-I can't believe it!" Ivankov exclaimed. Buggy shouting in relief as tears went down his face. "She's alive! I-I'm saved!" Buggy exclaimed while he internally yelled within himself that he's glad that the crazy but kind woman was alive.

A wide grin tugged on your lips as you released it you shouting in happiness with eyes closed, feeling something wet in the corner of your eye.

"I told you!" You said proudly.

"Ace!" Luffy yelled with happiness of his own.

"Don't get thrown back! Resume fire immediately! Aim for their trajectory!"

You smirked, as you told Ace and Luffy to be ready as you still held Mr. 3's arm. Your other hand held Black Heavens Judgement as you began to swing downwards.

"Kuro to Gin!" A flash of black and silver cuts ran through across the marines as they fell back in pain from the quick attack, Ace releasing another attack of his own. "Enkai...Hibashira!" The fire and the black and silver cuts mixed into a beautiful spectacle of colors, your and Ace's attacks always seemed to mix well you thought with a smirk as many more marines fell around them as Mr. 3 protested in alarm as you lifted himself up above you.

"W-wait! What are you doing?!"

"Luffy! Catch!" You said, making Mr. 3 shout in protest.


Luffy managed to catch Mr. 3 by his collar as they all landed gracefully on the ground around the flames. Except for Mr.3 . You breathed deeply once more, trying to collect your breath as you stood with your great signature buster sword within both hands at the ready.

'Almost there.' You thought as the marines that came in vengeance for their comrades and prepared to fire.




**Kuro to Gin!⚫️🗡⚪️(Black and Silver) a flash of multiple cuts, causing black and silver to reflect from the sun. A beautiful spectacle if it wasn't deadly.

You did it! But you gotta escape quickly, cause it looks like the infamous Silver Blood's energy is depleting.

So keep going!



Main Pairings
Shanks: 38
Doflamingo: 22
Smoker: 30
Lucci: 22

Side Pairings
Kaku: 4
Paulie: 3
Buggy: 5




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(By me

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(By me. Not that good compared to my wondrous readers. But that's why I'm more a writer than an artist 😂)




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