A Mother's Love

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Now, where is Shanks?

It's been a few days since you left Karé, perhaps a week has already passed but you haven't been tracking time very well. Stopping by other islands to check if him and the others are there only to leave with disappointment.

Your injuries are getting better, the bruises and cuts you received from that captain are all mostly just scabs and lightened. The deep gash to your left leg is more a dull ache than sharp pain each time you put weight on it, the skin still healing. But the salves are definitely helping from the people of Karé, the healing far more advanced than what you would have without said salves.

The salves also helped with something else too...

"Grab this as well Toa (Y/N)!"  Aiko called to you, holding a pot of more salves in her hands.

You looked at it with a raised brow. You didn't think they would give you more stuff.

"What's this for?" You asked, as you grabbed the pot. "I already got that healing stuff from the doctor."

"Oh no, it's not that," Aiko answered easily, a kind smile on her lips before she darted her eyes around before getting closer to your ear. You leaning in automatically as she cupped her hand around your ear. "It helps to stop hair growth. I see you've started to have some issues."


Aiko continued to stare at you kindly.

You couldn't help but truly notice and take note the only hair she had was the one on her head. And how the others were the same.

You blankly stared at your arms, pushing the sleeve up and started to spot some hair stubs.

"...thanks." You said with a twitching brow and smile.

Your face grew heated at the mere memory, clenching the bridge of your nose.

"Ugh...it's not my fault all these people have skin like babies..." You plopped down harshly with crossed arms. "That explains why everyone there had nothing though..." you muttered to yourself as you sailed in the vast ocean.

You discovered the pains of growing up and beauty standards with Kalifa. Showed you the pains of waxing. You yelping as she mercilessly and practically took the skin of your leg off, her glasses flashing. But you'll take waxing over having to shave every day! So freakin annoying!

And at least with these salves, it's painless. Aiko mentioned they last about the same time as wax from what you understood. Albeit a little longer. The amount you have should last you a few months.

You couldn't help but let out a downtrodden sigh, you're sure you could see the large puff of cloud from the action even though it wasn't cold at all.

"Hah...at least they gave me those spices though," you plopped fully down atop the raft, the sun high and above with your cap helping shadow your eyes. Kuroi ten'nosabaki managing to stay determinedly on your small mast along with Karasu on the other side of it. "They're worth a pretty penny in those other islands. At least I won't have to worry about that for awhile."

It seems although Karé is hard to get through due to the rough waves, they are truly cherished for their spices around the islands of the East Blue. It made sense. From what you gathered in the drawings of that large slab of stone Mokoko took out for you, even islands back than liked Karé's spices.

It seems that people only know about their spices. Based on your interactions and Beli's being eagerly slapped onto your hands for even a small pouch of those spices, no one seemed to know how far back the history of Karé goes. The Beli's only growing to a mountain on your hand with each island. They really must be famous though because woah!

Strong(One Piece x Reader)[EDITING IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now