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I think I'm getting a headache, Kuzan thought as he rubbed his head while one Admiral, the other Vice Admirals, Captains, and Lieutenants went back and forth within the conference room of Marine HQ. The most passionate was the famed Garp the Hero as a result of the topic of discussion within the plain white and professional room that holds all sorts of meetings between Warlords and Admirals and many other things with only one long white table.

"I just don't understand! How did this happen?!" Garp stressed, as well as demanded. Looking like his eyes were going to bulge out his eye sockets and his hair to fall out from how often he was pulling it during the meeting.

"The Director didn't comment much of it," Tsuru shrugged, her eyes turning towards the Garp the Fist in annoyance."And would you calm down? You're going to bust someone's eardrums with your constant yowls."

In all essence, he felt like they were going in circles within this meeting and he had half a mind to just sneak a nap in as they discussed amongst themselves about the new circumstances. But he was also concerned about the subject.

You, (Y/N), after all appeared seemingly out of nowhere in Marine HQ.

"Why is it we are still discussing this?" Akainu, Sakazuki; his mind corrected, said with an annoyed frown and crossed arms as he sat on his seat of the table. All eyes turned towards him at his question."All we are doing is going round and round accomplishing and answering nothing amongst ourselves. To get this fast and over with, why don't we start from the beginning once more shall we?" Sakazuki moved his dark eyes to Kuzan's, motioning for him to start and stating that he was the first to see the teenager-now young woman-in all these years.

Kuzan gave a yawn, then just as quickly his eyes were focused, not at all annoyed from the past conversations. He folded his hands and sat his chin upon them as he stared at everyone in the room as he began to speak of how (Y/N) was seen fifteen miles away from the Marine HQ within a rowboat by herself, with no other CP9 agent or the Director in sight. "I found it odd that there was no call before her coming here, nor from Director Spandam. Admittedly though, I was too surprised by her presence and haven't seen her so long that I didn't care." He gave small tilt of the lips of seeing your face for the first time in years, only to turn back into a neutral frown when he remembered your now darker and experienced eyes. "When she called the Director of her whereabouts, my suspicions rose of what exactly happened however. It seemed she had injuries that were healing. As well as how quickly the Director came for her..."

It was then Garp cut in.

"It's odd isn't it?" Garp began, his grim eyes on the table as he spoke. "They didn't even let her closest friends meet with her, I wouldn't even have been informed if you didn't contact me Vice Admiral Kuzan." Garp glanced at him, throwing a grateful smile towards him. "And...CP9's Director is strange for not directly telling us the success or failure of her mission."

"Perhaps there was a problem within the mission and Silver Blood (Y/N) had to go her separate ways for transportation?" Sengoku, the only Admiral in the room, supplied. Stating your newly earned title from your hard work and years of being in service of the marines. His theory did nothing to calm the ones in the room who cared for her however, the other's having their own opinions about you staying begrudgingly silent about the daughter of a pirate.

All the Vice Admirals and Admiral who are present knew of the consequences you would get based on how you did on the mission. That's why the ones who cared were so concerned. But, Kuzan's eyes moved to a smoking figure.

He hasn't said a word since the meeting began. Only listening, Kuzan observed, studying Smoker who had his brows furrowed from recent comments of the higher ups. Which wasn't surprising. Anyone who had eyes and knew of (Y/N) personally were aware of how close you and Smoker were, are. His concern for his closest friend, one he hasn't seen or spoken to in years, and the fact he missed seeing you must've hit him hard.

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