Chapter13: Jealousy

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I was walking in the hallway when someone suddenly shout out my name "Tallandra!" I stop and turn around to see who it was


He stop in front of me with wide smile plastered on his face and dimples pop out

Oh.. Well he's not Chevalier.. Rico-his twin

"Hey mind if I walk you through your class?" He told me shyly as he rub the back of his neck

I smell something fishy..

"What do you want Rico? Split it out" I said as I put both of my hands on my hip, tilt my head and eyed him suspiciously

He has taken back of my question. His eyes were wide and blush crept out from his cheeks " I.. Um.. Nothing? " he stutter

"Uhuh?" I lift my eyebrow and crossed my arms below my chest

"Okay.. Okay.. Can I ask you a date?" He said with a wide smile and his eyes were looking at me with some-

"Please?" I gave him a look like what-the-fuck-are-you-saying!

"Rico didn't you even know that your brother is a Psychopath?" He frown but nodded

"So why did you asked me out a date? If you already know that your-" he stops me from talking by putting his index finger on my lips while his thumb caressing my cheek a little. It gives me a goosebumps

"Tal you got me wrong.. We need to help each other" his face is serious as heck. And I stared at him in confusion

"What the heck are you saying Rico?"

He brushes his hand on his thick chestnut hair and sigh heavily " I heard that Chev will date a girl this evening"

He fuckîng what!! That bullfrog! Oh no!! After he said that I shouldn't date anyone- wait.. Why should i care? I should be happy because he found another playdoll but why it felt someone pinch my heart?

Rico look at me with a wide smile and satisfied face " what? " I ask him

"So you're coming as my date? Yes?"

"No... Why should I?" I shrug trying to keep a burning jealous in my stomach

"Because I feel that you want too.. Oh come on, this will be so interesting game" he wiggle his brows and wink at me

"Still no" I said as I walk out but he stops me and I turn to face him

"Please.. I need you" oh heck no! Not again.. Don't say it Tal don't look at those handsome-idiot-freaking-

"Okay" I blurted out.. Oh man I knew I'll regret this later. Slowly smile crept to his face and he let me go

"I'll be on your house in seven. See you" then he run off just like that


In class I found myself staring in nowhere, I still asking myself why in the big world I put myself in this freaking situation. Ugh! In school I have problems, in home I still do. Jey still didn't talk me and keep himself as far as he can away from me. Suner came back to America because her mom got sick few days ago after he leave her. And now Chevalier fucking Martian dating other girl... Ugh.. I put both of my hands in my face and trying my best not to cry

"Are you okay?" Someone pat my shoulder. I look up and its Cheyanne. I tried to smile

"Yes" I whisper. I need to calm down

"Come on" she says

"Where?" I ask her in confusion

"Far away from here" she smiles

We found a place outside the school under the tree. And when she told me to tell her what's the problem, at first I doubt myself to trust her but then I break down. I tell her about Jey, Suner, Chevalier, the bracelet, my suck up beautiful life and well I just tell her everything. And it feels good to have someone to talk. She listens to me and gave me an advice which I need the most

"Don't let your problems eat you. Okay?, just always remember that with every problems had a solution.. Even though it's hard and difficult it still have.. Don't lose hope. And don't let hope loses you" she said and hug me tightly and I just nod at her. I like this girl very much

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