Break up to ma- nvm 1

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A/N in this one they go from 18 and then go to 20

Melanie POV:

I was at the grocery store buying some chips for a party I'm having with my friends. When I got home I took off my shoes as went to my room where austin had been in the night. I went to my room and saw something horrible. my boyfriend having sex with my best friend!

"Austin! how could u?!" I said yelling

"Oh hi Melanie how are u doing?" My ex-best friend said sarcastically

"Melanie we never even have sex and your friend just came and wanted it!" austin said while getting up and putting his boxers on.

End of POV:

"Austin, today was the day I gunna give it to you! But now.... *sigh* I can't!" Melanie said tearing up

"Guess what Melanie? I finally beat u at something so now u could stop acting like your perfect!" My

ex-bestie said.

"Austin, I gotta go!" melanie said while leaving. he grabbed her wrist

"Wait babe please don't leave!" austin said begging

"Im just gunna go. Bye Austin!" ex-friend said while she kissed him on the lips.

"Austin how do u expect me not to leave when ur having sex with my best friend how long has this been going on.'' Melanie asked

"Ever since I got with u!" he asked yelling back.

"My god austin your such a dick! When u said u loved me u never met it right? it takes two people to love and one person in this relationship was faking it the whole time! God austin Sometimes I wonder if u even care about me!" Melanie said screaming and crying

"Melanie I love u I do mean it and I'm not faking it!" he said while trying to kiss her but she just pushed away.

"I think it's time for u to go austin! I don't need u anymore . just leave!" Melanie said while pushing austin out the door! As he gets pushed out he says- "babe cc'mon'' "get the fuck outta my life Austin! u never loved me and You don't deserve me I could have gotten with Jason instead of you! he actually loves me! unlike u, being a lying,sorryass, motherfucking dick, take care AUSTIN go fuck destiny (ex_bestie) better yet go fuck yourself you selfish dick!" she said while slamming the door in his face


6 yeArs later

Melanie POV:

I was at my parents house kinda mine to hut yea whatever but they were having a BBQ. And of course my sister invites austin because she thinks we should get back together when disagree because i know he'll cheat again and fuck another girl!

I was with my best guy friend. Jason . ( from 2B1) we were taking when he leaned in to kiss me until Austin pulled me away to my room!

"What the hell austin?!" I said yelling

"do u hate me?" he asked (austin)

End of POV:

"Yes now leave me alone!" Melanie said while ggetting up

"Wait Melanie please.stay here!" Austin asked

"Austin I hate u! Gosh u never Even cared about me at all why do u care now!? Like I said back then G-O F-U-C-K Y-O-U-R-S-E-L-F YOU SELLLLFISSSHHH DICKKKKK so u never cared so y now?" she asked

"Because I want u in my life! I regret the mistake I made destinys just a slut I don't want her I want you, your beautiful smile, your sparkling eyes, your amazing laugh, your awesome personality " as he said that he got Closer-and closer before kissing her passionately. he pushed her on the bed and she took off his shirt. austin closed the window curtain. he started sucking and biting on her neck and he left her on a hickey.

He took off her shirt and jeans. she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. he insert his tongue asking for entrance. she took off his shorts. Melanie was pinned down to the bed.

"Melanie I want u now." he moaned He took off her bra and underwear.and started sucking on her nipple she felt like she was making a mistake all she could think about was her ex-bestie knowing dest(iny) was sleeping with her boyfriend the whole time Mel was wwith him! she had to stop!

"Austin-I cant" Mel said while getting up

"Why what's wrong?" he asked very confused and concerned.

"Because it doesn't feel right!" mel said.

"Why?" he asked

"Because then dest just keeps popping back into my head." Mel said while putting her clothes on

"Baby please!" AUSTIN begged

"Austin just umm just go I can't be with you!" She said sadly

"Ok but when your ready to talk ill be here ok? I always will!" he said

"Ok" she then closed the door and cried herself to sleep!

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