Ch. 12

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Steven walked to his car, when he heard someone calling his name. He went to Subway to get Carmen a sub. He turned around and saw April walking toward him. It looked like she was crying. He knew he wasn't about to like what she said to him.

"What's up? What you want?" He asked her.

"Can we talk?" She asked him.

"About?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant." She said with more tears rolling out her eyes. "About five months along now."

Steven heart started beating fast. He swallowed hard. The baby could or couldn't be his. No telling if she was sleeping with him or someone else. Not that he care or anything.

"What that have to do with me?" He asked her.

"Don't play dumb Stevie." April cried.

"You not even showing." Steven looked down at her stomach. She still had her same flat stomach she been had. He was still a little disappointed that he may have gotten her pregnant.

"I know, I asked the doctors that and they said since it was my first pregnancy. I won't start showing until I'm at least six months along." April looked at him.

"Okay. I got to go. I'll call you tomorrow so we can meet up and talk." Steven said and opened his car door. April nodded and walked away.

Steven got in his car and slam the door. What the fuck was he going to tell Carmen? He wasn't going to say anything yet to her. Hopefully it don't blow up in his damn face.


April walked to her car with a smile on her face. She laughed as she shook her head. Pregnant where? She knew she could get him where she wanted him to be. She would have everything to set his ass up. He won't know what hit him, and that bitch Carmen will be gone once again. Lonnie would be proud of her. She was doing it all for him.

She called him.

"What's up? You did it?" He asked her.

"Yep, it's a go bae." She smiled.

"Good, I still have to lay low. I'll be back soon. Hold it down." Lonnie said then hang up.

April smiled. Of course she will hold it down, for her man. Go to the moon and back for him. Since Steven wanted to play her and acted like she was a nobody when Carmen came along. That's when she run to Lonnie ready to work for him, and be on his side. He laid down a good pipe and had a good head game. Of course he wasn't better then Steven with the stroke game, but he sure could eat a mean pussy. Steven never went down on her. Just fucked her and leave. At least Lonnie stayed around for breakfast.


"Earth to Steven. Hello." Carmen clapped her hands in his face. Steven looked at her.

"My bad, what's up?" He sat as he looked down at his hands. He couldn't even looked at her. He really didn't want to lose her, or have her lose her faith in him.

"I was asking was you okay? Since you walked through the door you was spaced out. Are you okay?" She asked him.

"Yeah, baby I'm good." He said as he stood up. He walked upstairs not saying anything else to her.

Carmen frowned and sat down in the spot he was just sitting in. Something was wrong with him, and she going to find out. When she finished cleaning up the kitchen she walked upstairs, and saw him texting away on his phone. When she walked in the room, he stopped texting quick and put his phone away. Carmen eyed him, but didn't say anything. Okay, he never did that before.

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