Ch. 13

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Carmen grabbed the trash can as she throw up again. All week she was feeling sick, she went to doctor and they told her she had the flu, on top of that her morning sickness was worst.

"I got the Ginger Ale." Steven walked in the room.

"I don't want it." Carmen said as she balled up in a ball on the bed. Steven looked at her with his mask on his face. He wasn't trying to get sick.

"I got the soup too." He said.

"I don't want that either." Carmen coughed.

"Well your ass going to eat it, so sit up. I'll feed you. Just take at least five bites." Steven  said. Carmen glared at him. "Okay three bites and that's it. I even put peanut butter in it." Steven said. Carmen sat all the way up. "Don't make no damn sense." Steven murmured to himself.

Steven got in the bed and feed her. She moaned with every bite. Steven shook his head, but she didn't want it though.

"That's more then three bites bae." Steven smiled under the mask.

"Shut up." Carmen said as Steven open the Ginger Ale can for her. He helped her drink it too. "I feel so weak." She whined.

"Umm cut that whining shit out. Try taking a nap. I'll be back in here later to check on you." Steven got out the bed and removed the nasty trashcan out the room, and walked out with the bowl, soda can, and trashcan in his hands.

Carmen laid back down in the bed and yawned. She hope she don't throw that soup back up. She was really hungry when she ate that. Steven took good care of her this past week. Her stomach growled again.

"Ugh, you so greedy." She mumbled.


Derrick walked in Steven house with both of his kids. Iris in her car seat, and NaeShawn Jr. holding his hand.

"Well damn you have them both today. Where Indy?" Steven asked.

"Sick." Derrick said.

"Well damn. Carmen ass too." Steven shook his head, as he clean his kitchen. He really didn't get chance to do anything, but run back and forth to the store all week for Carmen. The flu sneaked up on her. One night while holding her, it felt the heater been on. He been sweating and all. Then he realized it was Carmen, he was burning up, while she laying on top of him shivering like she cold, but sweating. He didn't know if it was the baby or her period. He thought fast and wrapped her up in a blanket and got dressed, and rushed her to the hospital.

"Uncle Stevie do you have Kool-Aid?" NaeShawn Jr. asked Steven.

Steven open his fridge and hand NaeShawn Jr. a Kool-Aid pouch.

"I just stop by, because I wasn't trying to get sick with India ass. I'm going to drop off my kids to my mother, and I'll be back. I need you to ride with me to get my check." Derrick said.

"Word, I'll be ready. Just let me check on this girl." Steven said and walked upstairs.


"You did what?" Derrick asked Steven as they drove to Derrick job.

"Man, I'm going to tell her, I just trying to find the right way to tell her." Steven said.

"Shit might blow up in your damn face. Better hide your face." Derrick said. "I still can't believe you still going to keep this from her. Did you not see what happen to me and Indy? Are you crazy?"

"I know what I'm doing, I don't need you down my back about it." Steven snapped.

"Oh well secrets ruin relationships homie. I learned that first hand, but you have it. My advice to you is tell her, before someone else do. Trust me when someone else do, shit going to be tough." Derrick said.

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