Erza vs. Selena

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(Erza's P.O.V)

"You'll pay for that Titania!" Selena dashed at me with her twin swords with magic blazing out of them. Still in my Clear Heart Clothing, I easily blocked her attack and jumped behind her. "I will not lose to you Selena! My comrades need me to win!" I slashed with my blades at her back continually. Selena screeched from the pain until she used her wings to slap me away.

"If that's how you wanna play Titania, then I'll play as well! Demon Hearts: Minions of the dark come to my aid! Take the pure soul of this fairy and feast on her flesh! BRING ME THE HEAD OF THE FAIRY QUEEN!" The ground exploded around Selena with a foul stench coming out of the holes being dug. Hands came out of the soil as they pulled themselves out to escape the ground. Six people in total stood up with armor on them as well with weapons.

"Erza Scarlett, meet my minions of the Dark. The Six Undead Knights. They were once knights of the Light until being killed by Zelroth himself. Since they were one of the strongest to fight against my master, I took their corpses and gave them a 'new' soul. One that worships the Dark Ones. Defeat them then I will admit defeat and you win the battle. Fail, then you will be my seventh knight to join the undead."

My fists clenched from seeing this monstrosity of a sight. Forcing the dead that only wants to sleep in peace is fighting for what they once fought against. "How could you do this to them! Making them something they aren't, that's dishonor to you and the Dark Ones! I'll free them from the prison you've put them in, and will defeat you once and for all!" Selena cackled at me with her pupils glowing bright green. "Knights...kill!"

Immediately, the Knights shot at me faster than I could run. I quickly dodged one attack after another but was slashed at my shoulder. "Requip! Heavens Wheel!" My Clear Heart transformed to my Heavens Wheel Armor. The Knights surrounded me with swords and shields at their side, waiting for my attack. "Dance my blades!" The swords appeared around me spinning in a circular cycle with the blades pointing at the Undead Knights. Seconds later the blades shot out to the soldiers one after another. Dust was being picked up from the speed of my swords shooting to all of them. When the dust cleared, many blades were lodged into the Knights bodies, without them moving.

"Is seems that I defeated them." I mumbled to myself, huffing for air from the exhaustion washing over me. "Ah-ah! They aren't that easy to kill Titania. They're already dead! So how can you kill something when it's already dead?" The Knights picked themselves up, pulling out my swords as they readjusted their armor. "No...that's not possible!" I summoned my swords back to me, this time, with my two one-handed swords. "Very well then, if I must defeat them this way," I went into battle stance, as the Knights did as well. "then fight to the death we will!"

I attacked the biggest one out of the six.
The knight was fully armored with a long sword giving off a blue aura to the hilt. He must be the strongest knight here.

 He must be the strongest knight here

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