Chapter 7

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I walked into the house and threw my bag in the corner of the kitchen while walking to the fridge for a coke. “Yo Bobby, I’m home.” I yelled while plopping down on a chair and taking a sip of the can of coke in my hands.

“Ok.” He yelled back. I sighed, home… Home was wherever the heart was. Was my heart here? Even though I loved Bobby like a favorite uncle, my heart was with my brothers. I knew that for sure. I looked up as Bobby walked into the room. “How was school?” I sighed and shrugged.

“School is school Bobby, what do you expect?” He chuckled and took a beer from the fridge.

“No trouble?” I doubted if I should tell him but I did anyway.

“Well, there was a stupid jock who thought he could be the boss of me. I proved him wrong. You should’ve seen his face, the big baby almost wet himself when I pulled out my…” I stopped right there looking up guilty. I shouldn’t have told him about the knife.

“What did you pull out Sapphire Winchester?”

“My…uh… lunch?” He looked at me judgingly.

“He almost wet himself, when you pulled out your lunch?” He asked sarcastically while raising an eyebrow. “Uh, maybe…?”

“I’m so taking away your hunting gear after this.”

“NOOOOO, please no!!! What if something happens?”

“Sapphire, it’s high school! Not the army! What do you think will happen? And I thought Dean was the biggest idiot out of you three.”

“He is!” I couldn’t stop myself and started laughing. “Dean still is the biggest idiot, ever!” I managed to say in between fits of giggles. He just looked at me like I was crazy, I probably was. “Alright, I’m gonna leave you and your strange mind alone now.” He said walking out of the kitchen, leaving me behind in fits of laughter. After a while the laughter died down, and I decided that I’d better start doing my homework. I wasn’t used to doing homework, I usually didn’t bother because I knew we would probably leave before it was time to hand it in. After a few painfully boring exercises my phone went off. Glad with the distraction, I took it out of my pocket and read the text.

Dean- I know you’re working on the whole normal thing, but we kinda need your help on this one. If you want to, we’ll pick you up in an hour. We’re dealing with a Shtriga. It’s close to Bobby’s place so you won’t have to miss school tomorrow. See you later xDean

How could he even began to think that I won’t come with them. I’d do everything to be able to hunt again. It’s only been about a day but I’d missed hunting an awful lot already, I guess I’m kind of a drama queen. I replied to his text immediately.

Sapphire- Do you even have to ask?! Of course I’ll come! See you in an hour XxSapph

I cheered in silence and ran upstairs to change. I put on some dark blue skinny jeans, a black tank top and a dark red GAP hoodie. I had some weird obsession with hoodies, don’t ask why. I stuffed some stuff in a  duffle bag in case we did have to stay a bit longer. I put on my dark red converse sneakers and ran downstairs again while putting my dark hair up in a ponytail. I was going on a hunt again, and I couldn’t be more excited. Maybe I could, but I’d probably explode. I quickly told Bobby what was going on and not to stay awake for me before I sat down on the kitchen counter waiting for my brothers. After what seemed like a long time, the doorbell finally rang. I jumped up happily and raced to the door with a huge smile on my face.

“Hi little sis.” Sam said also with a huge smile on his face. Dean echoed the smile. I followed them to the impala after yelling bye to Bobby and pretty much throwing myself at them, hugging the life out of them. After I got comfortable in my seat I took Dad’s journal and looked for information on Shtriga’s. After reading the pages I put the journal down and looked at Dean questioningly. He didn’t say anything.

“What..? No pop quiz?” He laughed.

“Would you like me to test you?”I nodded with a big smile on my face. “Alright then. History?” I smiled searching for the information I’d just read.

“According to Albanian folklore, a Shtriga was a vampire-like witch who was said to suck the blood of infant children while they slept, and then turn into a flying insect. That’s not true though, they don’t feed on blood but on spiritus vitae, or life essence. It prefers children. This feeding leaves the children comatose and with a weakened immune system, which leaves them vulnerable to illnesses like pneumonia that can kill them. It tends to work their way through the siblings in a family. Everything it touches will rot, and they won’t turn into flying insects.” He nodded.

“Vulnerabilities?” I thought about it for a moment before answering him.

“Invulnerable except when feeding on a victim. You’ll kill it with consecrated iron rounds while feeding.” He nodded in confirmation.


“Humanoid with wizened features and long tapered fingers, can appear human.” I ended with a small smiled as well.

“Exactly! We’ve been ,missing you around here. When I try to test Sammy he just gives me a weird look! Exactly, Sammy that one! Thanks for demonstrating.” He said loudly when he saw Sam looking at him.

“So, what’s the plan?” I asked ending the small talk and getting straight to business. Sam and Dean shared a look.

“Well…” Dean started.

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