Chapter 12

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 "Morning." I told Sam the next morning when I walked into the kitchen. Fanny was still asleep. I couldn't believe how she could sleep after yesterday, but apparently she had no problems with it. 

“Morning.” He replied. “How’s she holding up?” He sounded concerned. I cleared my throat nervously.

“Uhm, yeah, about that...” I started but I was interrupted by Dean walking in.

“Morning.” We repeated him. For a moment I hoped that that was the end of the conversation, no such luck. Sam looked at me.

“You were saying...” I took a deep breath.

“ShewantsinIdisagreedatfirstbutshewouldn’tlistensoItoldheronlyresearch.” They stared at me like I had gone crazy.

“OK, again. Slower this time.” I took another deep breath and started again.

“She wants in. I disagreed at first, of course. But she wouldn’t listen to me. So I compromised with her, she’ll only help with the research because that’s safe.” I waited for the explosion. It didn’t come.

“Have you told her the consequences?” I nodded. Of course I had. “Then there’s nothing we can do, it’s her choice.” I nodded again and went to the fridge for some juice. I knew the conversation had ended. There was nothing more to say.

“Any new cases?” I asked while taking a sip from the juice carton and looking at the newspaper Sam was holding.

“Maybe.” Was his answer. I waited a few seconds. “Yes. Nebraska. Could you get dad’s journal?” I nodded and hurried off.

I placed the journal in front of him and sat down on the kitchen counter. After a few minutes he closed it again. “and?” He shoved away in frustration.

“Nothing!” Dean had come closer and picked up the journal.

“What do you mean nothing? You must have overlooked something.” He said while opening the book. I jumped down from the kitchen counter and grabbed the newspaper.

“What seems to be the problem?” Sam took the paper from me and searched the right page.

He pointed some thing out while he told me, “People are found dead, without their brains”



“Why don’t you get Fanny out of bed. We’ll ask Bobby if he knows something.” Dean sai, joining the conversation. I nodded and went upstairs.

She was still asleep. “Fanny?” I asked softly shaking her. She slowly opened her eyes. “We’ve found a case. Interested?” She nodded tiredly and rubbed her eyes before getting out of bed and making her way up to the bathroom.

“Sapph? Can I borrow your clothes?” she asked making me realise I was still in my PJs as well.

“Sure and there’s an extra toothbrush in the cabinet below the sink.”


I got up and got dressed in some dark high waist skinny jeans and a white crop top with a red hart printed in the middle. I waited for Fanny to get out of the bathroom so I could brush my teeth. Finally after ten minutes I could. When I was done we went back downstairs.

“And?” was the first thing I asked when we walked into the kitchen. No answer, they were still deep in conversation. “AND?” I asked louder. Sam looked up but Bobby answered.

“More possibilities, get the laptop will ya?” I got the laptop and put it down on the table. After a few minutes of waiting Bobby looked up. “Kitsune or a Wraith, both uncommon, but it’s all we have.” Sam and Dean got up.

“Ok, we’re out. Call us when you find anything.” Dean said. Whoooh, what?

“What about me?!”

“You’ve got school.”

“Bye Sapph, see you later.” And they were gone. I cursed them in silence and grabbed Sam’s laptop, motioning for Fanny to get hers.

“Look for information on Wraiths, anything you can find may be helpful. I’ll do Kitsune.” I told her when she got back. She nodded and got started as I did the same. Most things I came across were really unhelpful, and nothing told me about the brain eating.  

“Found anything?” Bobby asked us after a while. He was on the phone with Dean.

“Japanese fox spirits. Tricksters.” I muttered.

“Scottish dialect for ghost or spirit.” Fanny said.

Bobby went back to his phone. “Oh my God!” yelled Fanny all of a sudden. I raced up to her and looked at the screen. She was looking at pictures of Wraiths and had come across a scary looking one. I shrugged and patted her back.

“Lucky you! When I search for pictures of Kitsunes I get stupid adorable looking foxes or a Japanese fashion brand.” I sighed and went back to my own research. After an other half an hour of research I came across something helpful. It was a hunters blog.

“Bobby. Take a look at this.” I told him. He took my laptop as I grabbed his phone and called Dean. “Listen!” I told him as soon as he picked up. “Kitsune are creatures which feed on the brains, and particulary the pituitary glands, of humans. They take on a human form but they are stronger than humans and they have long claws and fox-like eyes.”

“How do we kill it?” His voice sounded far away, I must have been on speakerphone.

“A stab to the heart.”

“With what?”

“I don’t know! It doesn’t say with what!”

“No need to get all bitchy with me!”

“Shut up!”

“ENOUGH!” said Sam. “You two toddlers can fight when we get back.”

“Hey!” me and Dean shouted at him at the same time.

Sam ignored our behaviour. “Anything on Wraiths?”

“Dunno, wait a sec.” I looked at Fanny. “Anything?” She nodded vigorously and turned her laptop for me to see. “Wraiths are humanoid creatures whose true nature- including their sagging, decaying flesh-  can be seen only in reflection. That means mirrors Dean.”  I told him.

“I KNOW WHAT IT -“ I interrupted him by continuing my story.

“They appear human except for the long, organic spike that they sheathe in their wrist and use to feed on their victims. Ok gross. They crack open skulls and feed on brain juice. Even grosser. Can alter the perceptions of any person they touch, making them hallucinate or unbalancing them emotionally.  Feeds on its victim's brains with a thin, organic spike that protrudes from the wrist. Vulnerable for silver. Got that?”

“Yeah.” Two voices told me.

“Ok, good luck!” I told them before ending the call.

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