Chapter 22

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‘Cas appeared in my dream.’ I told Kathy when we were alone. She nodded, she didn’t even seem surprised.

‘What’d he say?’

‘I have to ask Derek to join us.’ I said without any emotions.

‘Who’s Derek?’ She grinned at me. ‘Is he the boy Dean and Fanny told me you ran into?’ Crap.


‘The hunter boy? I know he is.’ Double crap.


‘So, are you gonna ask him?’

‘I have no choice or I do it, or Cas does.’

‘You shouldn’t let Cas do it.’ She told me.

‘I KNOW.’ I took a deep breath before smiling cheekily at her. ‘So, what’s going on between you and Sammy?’ Her cheeks turned a bright shade of red.

‘We weren’t talking about that.’

‘Oh, I know. I just think he should ask you out fast. I know he’s planning on doing so.’

‘No, he’s not.’

‘Wanna bet?’

'No! I don’t want to bet!’

‘Sorry cranky.’ I laughed.

‘What are you girls talking about?’ Sam, who’d just walked in, asked.

‘When you’re finally gonna as…’ I said at the same time as Kathy said, ‘Nothing! I mean, nothing!’ He didn’t seem to believe it but said nothing.

‘Sapph can I talk to Kathy alone for a sec.’ A huge grin spread across my face.

‘Suuuuuuure you can. I’ll leave you two alone now.’ I jumped up and “left the room” or in other words, I hid behind the door with my ear pressed against the wood.

‘Kath… Uhm, I just wanted to uhm.. ask you if you want to go out with me sometime.’

YES! I did a small happy dance. ‘Sapphire… What are you doing!?’ Dean asked me.

Crap. I stopped in my tracks and looked up at him. ‘Nothing? I’ve got to go now…’

‘Stop right there. Do not move. Were you eavesdropping?’

‘Uh… maybe?’

‘Sapph, what did you hear?’ I smiled again.

‘Well… Sam just asked Kathy out and she probably said yes but I couldn’t hear it because you dropped in. I really hope she said yes, they’d make such a good couple. Can you imagine? Adorable! So that’s why I was eavesdropping!’ I rattled.

‘Okay, I get it. You can stop talking now.’ He pushed the door open. My jaw dropped.

Sam and Kathy were KISSING! OMG! I knew they’d make a great couple! I squealed in excitement and they broke apart. ‘Sorry!’ I apologized. ‘Let’s just pretend I am not here. BYE!’ I yelled before fleeing.

Once I was outside I started searching my pockets for my mobile phone. As soon as my hand wrapped around the soon I sighed in frustration. I didn’t want to call him, but Cas left me no choice. I searched for the number before pressing the call button.

A yawn and a, ‘Yeah?’ was the answer of my call.


Another yawn and a ‘Yeah, Sapph?’

‘Yeah. I have a favor to ask you.’

‘Yeah sure, what’s wrong?’ He didn’t seem tired anymore.

‘Well, you’re gonna think I’m crazy but we need your help.’

‘Okay with what?’

‘An angel/demon problem.’ I muttered.

‘Did you just say angel/demon?’

‘Only a little bit…’

‘What can I do for you?’

‘What? No, ANGELS?!?!?!, what are you talking about there’s no such thing, talk?’


‘Okay, here’s the deal. There was a rebellion and now demons and some angels want to free Lucifer from his cage, yay, fun right? And that’s where we come in we were asked by Castiel, an Angel of The Lord which he keeps reminding us of every two seconds, to help him stop them and we’re gonna uhm… nee… we nee…’

‘Is it so hard to say you need me?’ He teased.

‘Yes. Yes it is so shut up. So where was I?’

‘You were at the part where you tell me how much you’re gonna need my help.’

‘I really want to kick your ass right now.’

‘I know. Where are you?’ I told him before asking him how he was going to get here. ‘taxi.’ He laughed before ending the call.

I went back inside. Bobby had arrived and was sitting on the sofa drinking a beer. Dean was hanging on one of the beds eating… well no surprise there, Junkfood. Fanny was on the floor in front of the tv focused on whatever show was on at that moment. Sam and Kathy were on the other sofa talking, which brought a huge smile on my face. Kathy looked up when I walked in. ‘And did you call him? What did he say?’ She said which brought everyone’s attention to me.

I tried to hide my blush. ‘Yeah, he’s coming…’

‘Who?!’ Dean demanded.

‘Uhm..’ I coughed. ‘Derek…’ I muttered.

‘DEREK?!’ Okay I should definitely train my muttering, there was no use to it if everyone still heard! ‘What is that …’ he seemed to be at a loss of words. ‘Why is he coming?’

‘Cas said we are going to need him.’

‘I couldn’t care less about what that he says! We don’t even know if we can thrust him.’

‘I don’t like it either, but we can thrust him. If you don’t believe me, why don’t you ask Cas?’

‘I haven’t heard from him in days, none of us have. You think he’s up my ass?!’

‘You called?’ Castiel’s voice asked as he appeared behind Dean.

‘Cas! Get out of my ass!’ 

I started laughing but Dean’s angry glare shut me up. ‘Well I’m gonna let you talk and I’m gonna have a bath. Adieu mes cheries.’ I said while waving at them and leaving the room. The door fell closed behind me leaving me alone. I left the corridor and went into my room, closed the door behind me and sank to the ground.

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